Interface FieldOutline

All Known Implementing Classes:
ContentListField, DummyListField, IsSetField, NoExtendedContentField, SingleField, SinglePrimitiveAccessField, UnboxedField, UntypedListField

public interface FieldOutline
Representation of a field of ClassOutline.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi ([email protected])
  • Method Details

    • parent

      ClassOutline parent()
      Gets the enclosing ClassOutline.
    • getPropertyInfo

      CPropertyInfo getPropertyInfo()
      Gets the corresponding model object.
    • getRawType

      JType getRawType()
      Gets the type of the "raw value".

      This type can represent the entire value of this field. For fields that can carry multiple values, this is an array.

      This type allows the client of the outline to generate code to set/get values from a property.

    • create

      FieldAccessor create(JExpression targetObject)
      Creates a new FieldAccessor of this field for the specified object.
      targetObject - Evaluates to an object, and the field on this object will be accessed.