Interface IncludedGrammar<P extends ParsedPattern,E extends ParsedElementAnnotation,L extends Location,A extends Annotations<E,L,CL>,CL extends CommentList<L>>

All Superinterfaces:
GrammarSection<P,E,L,A,CL>, Scope<P,E,L,A,CL>

public interface IncludedGrammar<P extends ParsedPattern,E extends ParsedElementAnnotation,L extends Location,A extends Annotations<E,L,CL>,CL extends CommentList<L>> extends GrammarSection<P,E,L,A,CL>, Scope<P,E,L,A,CL>
Scope for <grammar> element of the <include>d grammar.

This object builds <define>s in the included grammar that override the definitions in the original grammar.