Class ClientResourceInfo

  • public class ClientResourceInfo
    extends ResourceInfo
    ClientResourceInfo is a simple wrapper class for information pertinent to building a complete resource path using a Library.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientResourceInfo

        public ClientResourceInfo​(LibraryInfo library,
                                  ContractInfo contract,
                                  String name,
                                  VersionInfo version,
                                  boolean compressible,
                                  boolean supportsEL,
                                  boolean isDevStage,
                                  boolean cacheTimestamp)
        Constructs a new ClientResourceInfo using the specified details. The ResourceHelper of the resource will be the same as the ResourceHelper of the LibraryInfo.
        library - the library containing this resource
        contract - the contract info
        name - the resource name
        version - the version of this resource (if any)
        compressible - if this resource should be compressed
        supportsEL - true if this resource may contain EL expressions
        isDevStage - true if this context is development stage
        cacheTimestamp - true if the modification time of the resource should be cached. The value of this parameter will be ignored when isDevStage is true
    • Method Detail

      • getCompressedPath

        public String getCompressedPath()
        the path to which the compressed bits for this resource reside. If this resource isn't compressible and this method is called, it will return null
      • isCompressable

        public boolean isCompressable()
        true if this resource should be compressed, otherwise false
      • supportsEL

        public boolean supportsEL()
        true if the this resource may contain EL expressions that should be evaluated, otherwise, return false
      • disableEL

        public void disableEL()
        Disables EL evaluation for this resource.