
@implicitNotFound("No implicit RowEncoderF[H, found for type ${T}.\nYou can define one using RowEncoderF[H, .instance, by calling contramap on another RowEncoderF[H, or by using generic derivation for product types like case classes.\nFor that, add the fs2-data-csv-generic module to your dependencies and use either full-automatic derivation:\nimport\nor the recommended semi-automatic derivation:\nimport\nimplicit val csvRowEncoder: RowEncoderF[H, [${T}] = deriveRowEncoderF[H, \nMake sure to have instances of CellEncoder for every member type in scope.\n") @FunctionalInterface
trait RowEncoderF[H <: (Option), T, Header]

Describes how a row can be encoded from a value of the given type.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(elem: T): RowF[H, Header]

Concrete methods

def contramap[B](f: B => T): RowEncoderF[H, B, Header]