
object render

Json Token stream pipes to render Json values.

Json Token stream pipes to render Json values.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def compact[F[_]]: (F, Token) => String

Renders a compact representation of the Json token stream.

Renders a compact representation of the Json token stream.

Chunks can be concatenated to render all values in the stream, separated by new lines.

You can use this to write the Json stream to a file.

def pretty[F[_]](indent: String): (F, Token) => String

Renders a pretty-printed representation of the token stream with the given indentation size.

Renders a pretty-printed representation of the token stream with the given indentation size.

Chunks can be concatenated to render all values in the stream, separated by new lines.

You can use this to write the Json stream to a file.