All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
ValueNode |
arrayImplicitStoreConvert(StructuredGraph graph,
JavaKind entryKind,
ValueNode value,
CommitAllocationNode commit,
VirtualObjectNode virtual,
int valuePos) |
abstract int |
arrayLengthOffset() |
AddressNode |
createArrayAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode array,
int arrayBaseOffset,
JavaKind elementKind,
ValueNode index) |
AddressNode |
createArrayAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode array,
JavaKind arrayKind,
JavaKind elementKind,
ValueNode index) |
AddressNode |
createArrayAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode array,
JavaKind elementKind,
ValueNode index) |
AddressNode |
createArrayIndexAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode array,
JavaKind elementKind,
ValueNode index,
GuardingNode boundsCheck) |
AddressNode |
createFieldAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode object,
ResolvedJavaField field) |
protected GuardingNode |
createNullCheck(ValueNode object,
FixedNode before,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected ValueNode |
createNullCheckedValue(ValueNode object,
FixedNode before,
LoweringTool tool) |
AddressNode |
createOffsetAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode object,
long offset) |
protected ValueNode |
createPositiveIndex(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode index,
GuardingNode boundsCheck)
Create a PiNode on the index proving that the index is positive.
protected abstract ValueNode |
createReadArrayComponentHub(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode arrayHub,
boolean isKnownObjectArray,
FixedNode anchor) |
protected ReadNode |
createReadArrayLength(ValueNode array,
FixedNode before,
LoweringTool tool)
Creates a read node that read the array length and is guarded by a null-check.
protected abstract ValueNode |
createReadHub(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode object,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected AddressNode |
createUnsafeAddress(StructuredGraph graph,
ValueNode object,
ValueNode offset) |
protected ReadNode |
createUnsafeRead(StructuredGraph graph,
RawLoadNode load,
GuardingNode guard) |
FieldLocationIdentity |
fieldLocationIdentity(ResolvedJavaField field) |
abstract int |
fieldOffset(ResolvedJavaField field) |
void |
finishAllocatedObjects(LoweringTool tool,
FixedWithNextNode insertAfter,
CommitAllocationNode commit,
ValueNode[] allocations) |
BarrierSet |
getBarrierSet() |
protected GuardingNode |
getBoundsCheck(AccessIndexedNode n,
ValueNode array,
LoweringTool tool) |
MetaAccessProvider |
getMetaAccess() |
MetaAccessExtensionProvider |
getMetaAccessExtensionProvider() |
Replacements |
getReplacements() |
JavaKind |
getStorageKind(JavaType type) |
JavaKind |
getStorageKind(ResolvedJavaField field) |
TargetDescription |
Returns the target being lowered.
ValueNode |
implicitLoadConvert(JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value) |
protected ValueNode |
implicitLoadConvert(JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value,
boolean compressible) |
ValueNode |
implicitLoadConvert(StructuredGraph graph,
JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value) |
protected ValueNode |
implicitLoadConvert(StructuredGraph graph,
JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value,
boolean compressible) |
ValueNode |
implicitLoadConvertWithBooleanCoercionIfNecessary(StructuredGraph graph,
JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value) |
ValueNode |
implicitStoreConvert(JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value) |
protected ValueNode |
implicitStoreConvert(JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value,
boolean compressible) |
ValueNode |
implicitStoreConvert(StructuredGraph graph,
JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value) |
protected ValueNode |
implicitStoreConvert(StructuredGraph graph,
JavaKind kind,
ValueNode value,
boolean compressible) |
void |
initialize(OptionValues options,
SnippetCounter.Group.Factory factory,
Providers providers) |
protected abstract Stamp |
loadCompressedStamp(ObjectStamp stamp) |
Stamp |
loadStamp(Stamp stamp,
JavaKind kind) |
protected Stamp |
loadStamp(Stamp stamp,
JavaKind kind,
boolean compressible) |
void |
lower(Node n,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerArrayLengthNode(ArrayLengthNode arrayLengthNode,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerAtomicReadAndAddNode(AtomicReadAndAddNode n) |
protected void |
lowerAtomicReadAndWriteNode(AtomicReadAndWriteNode n) |
protected void |
lowerCommitAllocationNode(CommitAllocationNode commit,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerCompareAndExchangeNode(UnsafeCompareAndExchangeNode cas) |
protected void |
lowerCompareAndSwapNode(UnsafeCompareAndSwapNode cas) |
protected void |
lowerFloatingIntegerDivRem(FloatingIntegerDivRemNode<?> divRem,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerIndexAddressNode(IndexAddressNode indexAddress) |
protected void |
lowerJavaReadNode(JavaReadNode read) |
protected void |
lowerJavaWriteNode(JavaWriteNode write) |
protected void |
lowerLoadArrayComponentHubNode(LoadArrayComponentHubNode loadHub) |
protected void |
lowerLoadFieldNode(LoadFieldNode loadField,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerLoadHubNode(LoadHubNode loadHub,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerLoadHubOrNullNode(LoadHubOrNullNode loadHubOrNullNode,
LoweringTool tool) |
void |
lowerLoadIndexedNode(LoadIndexedNode loadIndexed,
LoweringTool tool) |
void |
lowerLoadIndexedNode(LoadIndexedNode loadIndexed,
LoweringTool tool,
int arrayBaseOffset) |
protected void |
lowerStoreFieldNode(StoreFieldNode storeField,
LoweringTool tool) |
void |
lowerStoreIndexedNode(StoreIndexedNode storeIndexed,
LoweringTool tool) |
void |
lowerStoreIndexedNode(StoreIndexedNode storeIndexed,
LoweringTool tool,
int arrayBaseOffset) |
protected void |
lowerUnsafeLoadNode(RawLoadNode load,
LoweringTool tool) |
protected void |
lowerUnsafeMemoryLoadNode(UnsafeMemoryLoadNode load) |
protected void |
lowerUnsafeMemoryStoreNode(UnsafeMemoryStoreNode store) |
protected void |
lowerUnsafeStoreNode(RawStoreNode store) |
protected void |
lowerVerifyHeap(VerifyHeapNode n) |
protected abstract ValueNode |
newCompressionNode(CompressionNode.CompressionOp op,
ValueNode value) |
protected ValueNode |
proxyIndex(AccessIndexedNode n,
ValueNode index,
ValueNode array,
LoweringTool tool) |
ValueNode |
reconstructArrayIndex(JavaKind elementKind,
AddressNode address)
Reconstructs the array index from an address node that was created as a lowering of an
indexed access to an array.
abstract ValueNode |
staticFieldBase(StructuredGraph graph,
ResolvedJavaField field) |
boolean |
Indicates whether this target platform supports the usage of implicit (trapping) null checks.
boolean |
supportsOptimizedFilling(OptionValues options)
Indicates whether this target platform supports optimized filling of memory regions with
long values.