public final class IntegerSubExactNode extends SubNode implements GuardedNode, IntegerExactArithmeticNode
case the addition would overflow the 32 bit range.Node.ConstantNodeParameter, Node.EdgeVisitor, Node.IndirectCanonicalization, Node.InjectedNodeParameter, Node.Input, Node.NodeInsertionStackTrace, Node.NodeIntrinsic, Node.NodeIntrinsicFactory, Node.OptionalInput, Node.Successor, Node.ValueNumberable
Canonicalizable.Binary<T extends Node>, Canonicalizable.BinaryCommutative<T extends Node>, Canonicalizable.Ternary<T extends Node>, Canonicalizable.Unary<T extends Node>
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected GuardingNode |
guard |
static NodeClass<IntegerSubExactNode> |
x, y
NODE_LIST, NOT_ITERABLE, TRACK_CREATION_POSITION, WithAllEdges, WithNoEdges, WithOnlyInputEdges, WithOnlySucessorEdges
Constructor and Description |
IntegerSubExactNode(ValueNode x,
ValueNode y,
GuardingNode guard) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ValueNode |
canonical(CanonicalizerTool tool,
ValueNode forX,
ValueNode forY)
Similar to
Canonicalizable.canonical(CanonicalizerTool) , except that
implementations should act as if the current input of the node was the given one, i.e.,
they should never look at the inputs via the this pointer. |
GuardingNode |
getGuard() |
boolean |
This method can be overridden by subclasses of
ValueNode if they need to recompute
their stamp if their inputs change. |
protected boolean |
isExact() |
void |
setGuard(GuardingNode guard) |
add, add, add, branchlessMax, branchlessMin, foldStamp, getArithmeticOp, getArithmeticOpTable, getOp, isAssociative, maybeCommuteInputs, mul, mul, mul, reassociateMatchedValues, reassociateUnmatchedValues, shouldSwapInputs, sub, sub, sub, tryConstantFold
getX, getY, setX, setY
asConstant, asJavaConstant, asNode, asSerializableConstant, checkReplaceAtUsagesInvariants, getStackKind, graph, hasUsagesOtherThan, isAllowedUsageType, isConstant, isConstantPredicate, isDefaultConstant, isIllegalConstant, isJavaConstant, isNullConstant, isSerializableConstant, recursivelyDataFlowEqualsUpTo, setStamp, stamp, updateStamp, updateUsagesInterface
afterClone, applyInputs, applySuccessors, assertFalse, assertTrue, cfgPredecessors, cfgSuccessors, clearInputs, clearNodeSourcePosition, clearSuccessors, copyWithInputs, copyWithInputs, dataFlowEquals, dynamicNodeSizeEstimate, estimatedNodeCycles, estimatedNodeSize, fail, formatTo, getCreationPosition, getDebug, getDebugProperties, getDebugProperties, getInsertionPosition, getNodeClass, getNodeSourcePosition, getOptions, getUsageCount, hasExactlyOneUsage, hasExactlyOneUsageOfType, hashCode, hasMoreThanOneUsage, hasNoUsages, hasOnlyUsagesOfType, hasUsages, hasUsagesOfType, inputPositions, inputs, isAlive, isDeleted, isUnregistered, markDeleted, maybeNotifyZeroUsages, modCount, predecessor, pushInputs, removeUsage, replaceAllInputs, replaceAndDelete, replaceAtAllUsages, replaceAtMatchingUsages, replaceAtPredecessor, replaceAtUsages, replaceAtUsages, replaceAtUsages, replaceAtUsages, replaceAtUsages, replaceAtUsagesAndDelete, replaceAtUsagesAndDelete, replaceFirstInput, replaceFirstSuccessor, safeDelete, setCreationPosition, setInsertionPosition, setNodeSourcePosition, singleUsage, successorPositions, successors, toString, toString, updateNodeSourcePosition, updatePredecessor, updateUsages, usages, valueEquals, verify, verifyEdges, verifyInputs, verifySourcePosition, withNodeSourcePosition
clone, equals, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
canonical, getX, getY
public static final NodeClass<IntegerSubExactNode> TYPE
protected GuardingNode guard
public IntegerSubExactNode(ValueNode x, ValueNode y, GuardingNode guard)
public boolean inferStamp()
if they need to recompute
their stamp if their inputs change. A typical implementation will compute the stamp and pass
it to ValueNode.updateStamp(Stamp)
, whose return value can be used as the result of this
in class BinaryNode
public ValueNode canonical(CanonicalizerTool tool, ValueNode forX, ValueNode forY)
, except that
implementations should act as if the current input of the node was the given one, i.e.,
they should never look at the inputs via the this pointer.canonical
in interface Canonicalizable.Binary<ValueNode>
in class SubNode
public GuardingNode getGuard()
in interface GuardedNode
public void setGuard(GuardingNode guard)
in interface GuardedNode