Interface ReactiveConnectionPool

    • Method Detail

      • getConnection

        java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<ReactiveConnection> getConnection()
        Obtain a reactive connection, returning the connection via a CompletionStage.
      • getConnection

        java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<ReactiveConnection> getConnection​(java.lang.String tenantId)
        Obtain a reactive connection for the given tenant id, returning the connection via a CompletionStage.
      • getProxyConnection

        ReactiveConnection getProxyConnection()
        Obtain a lazily-initializing reactive connection. The actual connection might be made when the returned instance if ReactiveConnection is first used.
      • getProxyConnection

        ReactiveConnection getProxyConnection​(java.lang.String tenantId)
        Obtain a lazily-initializing reactive connection for the given tenant id. The actual connection might be made when the returned instance if ReactiveConnection is first used.
      • getCloseFuture

        java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<java.lang.Void> getCloseFuture()
        The shutdown of the pool is actually asynchronous but the core service registry won't return the CompletionStage. If you need to wait for the underlying pool to be closed, after closing the SessionFactory you can get the CompletionStage instance from this getter.