Package org.hibernate.event

This package defines an event framework for Hibernate.


Interface Summary
AutoFlushEventListener Defines the contract for handling of session auto-flush events.
DeleteEventListener Defines the contract for handling of deletion events generated from a session.
Destructible Contract for listeners which require notification of SessionFactory closing, presumably to destroy internal state.
DirtyCheckEventListener Defines the contract for handling of session dirty-check events.
EvictEventListener Defines the contract for handling of evict events generated from a session.
FlushEventListener Defines the contract for handling of session flush events.
Initializable An event listener that requires access to mappings to initialize state at initialization time.
InitializeCollectionEventListener Defines the contract for handling of collection initialization events generated by a session.
LoadEventListener Defines the contract for handling of load events generated from a session.
LockEventListener Defines the contract for handling of lock events generated from a session.
MergeEventListener Defines the contract for handling of merge events generated from a session.
PersistEventListener Defines the contract for handling of create events generated from a session.
PostCollectionRecreateEventListener Called after recreating a collection
PostCollectionRemoveEventListener Called after removing a collection
PostCollectionUpdateEventListener Called after updating a collection
PostDeleteEventListener Called after deleting an item from the datastore
PostInsertEventListener Called after insterting an item in the datastore
PostLoadEventListener Occurs after an an entity instance is fully loaded.
PostUpdateEventListener Called after updating the datastore
PreCollectionRecreateEventListener Called before recreating a collection
PreCollectionRemoveEventListener Called before removing a collection
PreCollectionUpdateEventListener Called before updating a collection
PreDeleteEventListener Called before deleting an item from the datastore
PreInsertEventListener Called before inserting an item in the datastore
PreLoadEventListener Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance.
PreUpdateEventListener Called before updating the datastore
RefreshEventListener Defines the contract for handling of refresh events generated from a session.
ReplicateEventListener Defines the contract for handling of replicate events generated from a session.
SaveOrUpdateEventListener Defines the contract for handling of update events generated from a session.

Class Summary
AbstractCollectionEvent Defines a base class for events involving collections.
AbstractEvent Defines a base class for Session generated events.
AutoFlushEvent Defines an event class for the auto-flushing of a session.
DeleteEvent Defines an event class for the deletion of an entity.
DirtyCheckEvent Defines an event class for the dirty-checking of a session.
EventListeners A convience holder for all defined session event listeners.
EvictEvent Defines an event class for the evicting of an entity.
FlushEvent Defines an event class for the flushing of a session.
InitializeCollectionEvent An event that occurs when a collection wants to be initialized
LoadEvent Defines an event class for the loading of an entity.
LockEvent Defines an event class for the locking of an entity.
MergeEvent An event class for merge() and saveOrUpdateCopy()
PersistEvent An event class for persist()
PostCollectionRecreateEvent An event that occurs after a collection is recreated
PostCollectionRemoveEvent An event that occurs after a collection is removed
PostCollectionUpdateEvent An event that occurs after a collection is updated
PostDeleteEvent Occurs after deleting an item from the datastore
PostInsertEvent Occurs after inserting an item in the datastore
PostLoadEvent Occurs after an an entity instance is fully loaded.
PostUpdateEvent Occurs after the datastore is updated
PreCollectionRecreateEvent An event that occurs before a collection is recreated
PreCollectionRemoveEvent An event that occurs before a collection is removed
PreCollectionUpdateEvent An event that occurs before a collection is updated
PreDeleteEvent Occurs before deleting an item from the datastore
PreInsertEvent Occurs before inserting an item in the datastore
PreLoadEvent Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance.
PreUpdateEvent Occurs before updating the datastore
RefreshEvent Defines an event class for the refreshing of an object.
ReplicateEvent Defines an event class for the replication of an entity.
SaveOrUpdateEvent An event class for saveOrUpdate()

Package org.hibernate.event Description

This package defines an event framework for Hibernate.

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