Class Template

  extended by org.hibernate.sql.Template

public final class Template
extends java.lang.Object

Parses SQL fragments specified in mapping documents

Gavin King

Field Summary
static java.lang.String TEMPLATE
Method Summary
static java.lang.String renderOrderByStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlOrderByString, Dialect dialect, SQLFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)
          Takes order by clause provided in the mapping attribute and interpolates the alias.
static java.lang.String renderWhereStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlWhereString, Dialect dialect, SQLFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)
static java.lang.String renderWhereStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlWhereString, java.lang.String placeholder, Dialect dialect)
          Deprecated. Only intended for annotations usage; use renderWhereStringTemplate(String, String, Dialect, SQLFunctionRegistry) instead
static java.lang.String renderWhereStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlWhereString, java.lang.String placeholder, Dialect dialect, SQLFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)
          Takes the where condition provided in the mapping attribute and interpolates the alias.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TEMPLATE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String renderWhereStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlWhereString,
                                                         Dialect dialect,
                                                         SQLFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)


public static java.lang.String renderWhereStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlWhereString,
                                                         java.lang.String placeholder,
                                                         Dialect dialect)
Deprecated. Only intended for annotations usage; use renderWhereStringTemplate(String, String, Dialect, SQLFunctionRegistry) instead

Same functionality as renderWhereStringTemplate(String, String, Dialect, SQLFunctionRegistry), except that a SQLFunctionRegistry is not provided (i.e., only the dialect-defined functions are considered). This is only intended for use by the annotations project until the many-to-many/map-key-from-target-table feature is pulled into core.


public static java.lang.String renderWhereStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlWhereString,
                                                         java.lang.String placeholder,
                                                         Dialect dialect,
                                                         SQLFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)
Takes the where condition provided in the mapping attribute and interpolates the alias. Handles subselects, quoted identifiers, quoted strings, expressions, SQL functions, named parameters.

sqlWhereString - The string into which to interpolate the placeholder value
placeholder - The value to be interpolated into the the sqlWhereString
dialect - The dialect to apply
functionRegistry - The registry of all sql functions
The rendered sql fragment


public static java.lang.String renderOrderByStringTemplate(java.lang.String sqlOrderByString,
                                                           Dialect dialect,
                                                           SQLFunctionRegistry functionRegistry)
Takes order by clause provided in the mapping attribute and interpolates the alias. Handles asc, desc, SQL functions, quoted identifiers.

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