Interface SecondLevelCacheLogger

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SecondLevelCacheLogger
    extends org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void attemptToStartAlreadyStartedCacheProvider()  
      void attemptToStopAlreadyStoppedCacheProvider()  
      void missingCacheCreated​(java.lang.String regionName, java.lang.String configurationPropertyToDisableKey, java.lang.String configurationPropertyToDisableValue)  
      void nonStandardSupportForAccessType​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String accessType, java.lang.String regionName)  
      void readOnlyCachingMutableEntity​(NavigableRole navigableRole)  
      void readOnlyCachingMutableNaturalId​(NavigableRole navigableRole)  
      void softLockedCacheExpired​(java.lang.String regionName, java.lang.Object key)
      Log a message (WARN) about expiry of soft-locked region.
      void usingLegacyCacheName​(java.lang.String currentName, java.lang.String legacyName)  
      • Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger

        debug, debug, debug, debug, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, error, error, error, error, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, info, info, info, info, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, isDebugEnabled, isEnabled, isInfoEnabled, isTraceEnabled, log, log, log, log, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, trace, trace, trace, trace, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, warn, warn, warn, warn, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv
    • Method Detail

      • attemptToStartAlreadyStartedCacheProvider

        @Message(value="Attempt to restart an already started RegionFactory.  Use sessionFactory.close() between repeated calls to buildSessionFactory. Using previously created RegionFactory.",
        void attemptToStartAlreadyStartedCacheProvider()
      • attemptToStopAlreadyStoppedCacheProvider

        @Message(value="Attempt to restop an already stopped JCacheRegionFactory.",
        void attemptToStopAlreadyStoppedCacheProvider()
      • readOnlyCachingMutableEntity

        @Message(value="Read-only caching was requested for mutable entity [%s]",
        void readOnlyCachingMutableEntity​(NavigableRole navigableRole)
      • readOnlyCachingMutableNaturalId

        @Message(value="Read-only caching was requested for mutable natural-id for entity [%s]",
        void readOnlyCachingMutableNaturalId​(NavigableRole navigableRole)
      • softLockedCacheExpired

        @Message(value="Cache[%s] Key[%s]\nA soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying cache. If this happens regularly you should consider increasing the cache timeouts and/or capacity limits",
        void softLockedCacheExpired​(java.lang.String regionName,
                                    java.lang.Object key)
        Log a message (WARN) about expiry of soft-locked region.
      • missingCacheCreated

        @Message(value="Missing cache[%1$s] was created on-the-fly. The created cache will use a provider-specific default configuration: make sure you defined one. You can disable this warning by setting \'%2$s\' to \'%3$s\'.",
        void missingCacheCreated​(java.lang.String regionName,
                                 java.lang.String configurationPropertyToDisableKey,
                                 java.lang.String configurationPropertyToDisableValue)
      • usingLegacyCacheName

        @Message(value="Using legacy cache name [%2$s] because configuration could not be found for cache [%1$s]. Update your configuration to rename cache [%2$s] to [%1$s].",
        void usingLegacyCacheName​(java.lang.String currentName,
                                  java.lang.String legacyName)
      • nonStandardSupportForAccessType

        @Message(value="Cache [%1$s] uses the [%2$s] access type, but [%3$s] does not support it natively. Make sure your cache implementation supports JTA transactions.",
        void nonStandardSupportForAccessType​(java.lang.String key,
                                             java.lang.String accessType,
                                             java.lang.String regionName)