Package org.hibernate

Class LockOptions

    • Field Detail

      • NONE

        public static final LockOptions NONE
        Represents LockMode.NONE (timeout + scope do not apply).
      • READ

        public static final LockOptions READ
        Represents LockMode.READ (timeout + scope do not apply).
      • UPGRADE

        public static final LockOptions UPGRADE
        Represents LockMode.UPGRADE (will wait forever for lock and scope of false meaning only entity is locked).
      • NO_WAIT

        public static final int NO_WAIT
        Indicates that the database should not wait at all to acquire the pessimistic lock.
        See Also:
        getTimeOut(), Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • LockOptions

        public LockOptions()
        Constructs a LockOptions with all default options.
      • LockOptions

        public LockOptions​(LockMode lockMode)
        Constructs a LockOptions with the given lock mode.
        lockMode - The lock mode to use
    • Method Detail

      • getLockMode

        public LockMode getLockMode()
        Retrieve the overall lock mode in effect for this set of options.

        In certain contexts (hql and criteria), lock-modes can be defined in an even more granular per-alias fashion

        The overall lock mode.
      • setLockMode

        public LockOptions setLockMode​(LockMode lockMode)
        Set the overall LockMode to be used. The default is LockMode.NONE
        lockMode - The new overall lock mode to use.
        this (for method chaining).
      • getEffectiveLockMode

        public LockMode getEffectiveLockMode​(String alias)
        Determine the LockMode to apply to the given alias. If no mode was explicitly set, the overall mode is returned. If the overall lock mode is null as well, LockMode.NONE is returned.

        Differs from getAliasSpecificLockMode(java.lang.String) in that here we fallback to we only return the overall lock mode.

        alias - The alias for which to locate the effective lock mode.
        The effective lock mode.
      • hasAliasSpecificLockModes

        public boolean hasAliasSpecificLockModes()
        Does this LockOptions object define alias-specific lock modes?
        true if this LockOptions object define alias-specific lock modes; false otherwise.
      • getAliasLockCount

        public int getAliasLockCount()
        Get the number of aliases that have specific lock modes defined.
        the number of explicitly defined alias lock modes.
      • getAliasLockIterator

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<String,​LockMode>> getAliasLockIterator()
        Iterator for accessing Alias (key) and LockMode (value) as Map.Entry.
        Iterator for accessing the Map.Entry's
      • getAliasSpecificLocks

        public Iterable<Map.Entry<String,​LockMode>> getAliasSpecificLocks()
        Iterable access to alias (key) and LockMode (value) as Map.Entry.
        Iterable for accessing the Map.Entry's
      • findGreatestLockMode

        public LockMode findGreatestLockMode()
        Currently needed for follow-on locking.
        The greatest of all requested lock modes.
      • getTimeOut

        public int getTimeOut()
        Retrieve the current timeout setting.

        The timeout is the amount of time, in milliseconds, we should instruct the database to wait for any requested pessimistic lock acquisition.

        NO_WAIT, WAIT_FOREVER or SKIP_LOCKED represent 3 "magic" values.

        timeout in milliseconds, NO_WAIT, WAIT_FOREVER or SKIP_LOCKED
      • setTimeOut

        public LockOptions setTimeOut​(int timeout)
        Set the timeout setting.

        See getTimeOut() for a discussion of meaning.

        timeout - The new timeout setting, in milliseconds
        this (for method chaining).
        See Also:
      • getScope

        public boolean getScope()
        Retrieve the current lock scope setting.

        "scope" is a JPA defined term. It is basically a cascading of the lock to associations.

        true if locking will be extended to owned associations
      • setScope

        public LockOptions setScope​(boolean scope)
        Set the scope.
        scope - The new scope setting
        this (for method chaining).
      • getFollowOnLocking

        public Boolean getFollowOnLocking()
        Retrieve the current follow-on-locking setting.
        true if follow-on-locking is enabled
      • setFollowOnLocking

        public LockOptions setFollowOnLocking​(Boolean followOnLocking)
        Set the the follow-on-locking setting.
        followOnLocking - The new follow-on-locking setting
        this (for method chaining).
      • makeCopy

        public LockOptions makeCopy()
        Make a copy.
        The copy
      • copy

        public static LockOptions copy​(LockOptions source,
                                       LockOptions destination)
        Perform a shallow copy.
        source - Source for the copy (copied from)
        destination - Destination for the copy (copied to)