Interface ParameterRegistrationImplementor<T>

    • Method Detail

      • prepare

        void prepare​(CallableStatement statement,
                     int i)
              throws SQLException
        Prepare for execution.
        statement - The statement about to be executed
        i - The parameter index for this registration (used for positional)
        SQLException - Indicates a problem accessing the statement object
      • getHibernateType

        Type getHibernateType()
        Access to the Hibernate type for this parameter registration
        Specified by:
        getHibernateType in interface QueryParameter<T>
        The Hibernate Type
      • isPassNullsEnabled

        boolean isPassNullsEnabled()
        If no value is bound for this parameter registration, is the passing of NULL to the JDBC CallableStatement for that parameter enabled? This effectively controls whether default values for the argument as defined in the database are applied or not.
        Specified by:
        isPassNullsEnabled in interface ProcedureParameter<T>
        true indicates that NULL will be passed to the JDBC driver, effectively disabling the application of the default argument value defined in the database; false indicates that the parameter will simply be ignored, with the assumption that the corresponding argument defined a default value.
        See Also:
      • getSqlTypes

        int[] getSqlTypes()
        Access to the SQL type(s) for this parameter
        The SQL types (JDBC type codes)
      • extract

        T extract​(CallableStatement statement)
        Extract value from the statement after execution (used for OUT/INOUT parameters).
        statement - The callable statement
        The extracted value