Class CacheableResultTransformer

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static CacheableResultTransformer create​(ResultTransformer transformer,
                                                        String[] aliases,
                                                        boolean[] includeInTuple)
        Returns a CacheableResultTransformer that is used to transform tuples to a value(s) that can be cached.
        transformer - - result transformer that will ultimately be be used (after caching results)
        aliases - - the aliases that correspond to the tuple; if it is non-null, its length must equal the number of true elements in includeInTuple[]
        includeInTuple - - array with the i-th element indicating whether the i-th expression returned by a query is included in the tuple; the number of true values equals the length of the tuple that will be transformed; must be non-null
        a CacheableResultTransformer that is used to transform tuples to a value(s) that can be cached.
      • transformTuple

        public Object transformTuple​(Object[] tuple,
                                     String[] aliases)
        Description copied from interface: ResultTransformer
        Tuples are the elements making up each "row" of the query result. The contract here is to transform these elements into the final row.
        Specified by:
        transformTuple in interface ResultTransformer
        tuple - The result elements
        aliases - The result aliases ("parallel" array to tuple)
        The transformed row.
      • retransformResults

        public List retransformResults​(List transformedResults,
                                       String[] aliases,
                                       ResultTransformer transformer,
                                       boolean[] includeInTuple)
        Re-transforms, if necessary, a List of values previously transformed by this (or an equivalent) CacheableResultTransformer. Each element of the list is re-transformed in place (i.e, List elements are replaced with re-transformed values) and the original List is returned.

        If re-transformation is unnecessary, the original List is returned unchanged.

        transformedResults - - results that were previously transformed
        aliases - - the aliases that correspond to the untransformed tuple;
        transformer - - the transformer for the re-transformation
        includeInTuple - indicates the indexes of
        transformedResults, with each element re-transformed (if necessary)
      • untransformToTuples

        public List untransformToTuples​(List results)
        Untransforms, if necessary, a List of values previously transformed by this (or an equivalent) CacheableResultTransformer. Each element of the list is untransformed in place (i.e, List elements are replaced with untransformed values) and the original List is returned.

        If not unnecessary, the original List is returned unchanged.

        NOTE: If transformed values are a subset of the original tuple, then, on return, elements corresponding to excluded tuple elements will be null.

        results - - results that were previously transformed
        results, with each element untransformed (if necessary)
      • getCachedResultTypes

        public Type[] getCachedResultTypes​(Type[] tupleResultTypes)
      • transformList

        public List transformList​(List list)
        Description copied from interface: ResultTransformer
        Here we have an opportunity to perform transformation on the query result as a whole. This might be useful to convert from one collection type to another or to remove duplicates from the result, etc.
        Specified by:
        transformList in interface ResultTransformer
        list - The result.
        The transformed result.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object