Class BigIntegerType

    • Constructor Detail

      • BigIntegerType

        public BigIntegerType()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Type
        Returns the abbreviated name of the type.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Type
        String the Hibernate type name
      • objectToSQLString

        public String objectToSQLString​(BigInteger value,
                                        Dialect dialect)
        Description copied from interface: LiteralType
        Convert the value into a string representation, suitable for embedding in an SQL statement as a literal.
        Specified by:
        objectToSQLString in interface LiteralType<BigInteger>
        value - The value to convert
        dialect - The SQL dialect
        The value's string representation
      • stringToObject

        public BigInteger stringToObject​(String string)
        Description copied from interface: IdentifierType
        Convert the value from the mapping file to a Java object.
        Specified by:
        stringToObject in interface IdentifierType<BigInteger>
        string - the value of discriminator-value or unsaved-value attribute
        The converted value of the string representation.