Class BlobTypeDescriptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, BasicJavaDescriptor<java.sql.Blob>, JavaTypeDescriptor<java.sql.Blob>

    public class BlobTypeDescriptor
    extends AbstractTypeDescriptor<java.sql.Blob>
    Descriptor for Blob handling.

    Note, blobs really are mutable (their internal state can in fact be mutated). We simply treat them as immutable because we cannot properly check them for changes nor deep copy them.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlobTypeDescriptor

        public BlobTypeDescriptor()
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(java.sql.Blob value)
      • fromString

        public java.sql.Blob fromString​(java.lang.String string)
      • areEqual

        public boolean areEqual​(java.sql.Blob one,
                                java.sql.Blob another)
        Description copied from interface: JavaTypeDescriptor
        Determine if two instances are equal
        Specified by:
        areEqual in interface JavaTypeDescriptor<java.sql.Blob>
        areEqual in class AbstractTypeDescriptor<java.sql.Blob>
        one - One instance
        another - The other instance
        True if the two are considered equal; false otherwise.
      • unwrap

        public <X> X unwrap​(java.sql.Blob value,
                            java.lang.Class<X> type,
                            WrapperOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: JavaTypeDescriptor
        Unwrap an instance of our handled Java type into the requested type.

        As an example, if this is a JavaTypeDescriptor<Integer> and we are asked to unwrap the Integer value as a Long we would return something like Long.valueOf( value.longValue() ).

        Intended use is during PreparedStatement binding.

        Type Parameters:
        X - The conversion type.
        value - The value to unwrap
        type - The type as which to unwrap
        options - The options
        The unwrapped value.
      • wrap

        public <X> java.sql.Blob wrap​(X value,
                                      WrapperOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: JavaTypeDescriptor
        Wrap a value as our handled Java type.

        Intended use is during ResultSet extraction.

        Type Parameters:
        X - The conversion type.
        value - The value to wrap.
        options - The options
        The wrapped value.