Class Oracle8iDialect

    • Constructor Detail

      • Oracle8iDialect

        public Oracle8iDialect()
        Constructs an Oracle8iDialect
    • Method Detail

      • registerCharacterTypeMappings

        protected void registerCharacterTypeMappings()
      • registerNumericTypeMappings

        protected void registerNumericTypeMappings()
      • registerDateTimeTypeMappings

        protected void registerDateTimeTypeMappings()
      • registerLargeObjectTypeMappings

        protected void registerLargeObjectTypeMappings()
      • registerReverseHibernateTypeMappings

        protected void registerReverseHibernateTypeMappings()
      • registerFunctions

        protected void registerFunctions()
      • registerDefaultProperties

        protected void registerDefaultProperties()
      • getCrossJoinSeparator

        public String getCrossJoinSeparator()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Returns the separator to use for defining cross joins when translating HQL queries.

        Typically this will be either [ cross join ] or [, ]

        Note that the spaces are important!

        getCrossJoinSeparator in class Dialect
        The cross join separator
      • createCaseFragment

        public CaseFragment createCaseFragment()
        Map case support to the Oracle DECODE function. Oracle did not add support for CASE until 9i.

        Create a CaseFragment strategy responsible for handling this dialect's variations in how CASE statements are handled.

        createCaseFragment in class Dialect
        This dialect's CaseFragment strategy.
      • getLimitHandler

        public LimitHandler getLimitHandler()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Returns the delegate managing LIMIT clause.
        getLimitHandler in class Dialect
        LIMIT clause delegate.
      • getLimitString

        public String getLimitString​(String sql,
                                     boolean hasOffset)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Apply a limit clause to the query.

        Typically dialects utilize variable limit clauses when they support limits. Thus, when building the select command we do not actually need to know the limit or the offset since we will just be using placeholders.

        Here we do still pass along whether or not an offset was specified so that dialects not supporting offsets can generate proper exceptions. In general, dialects will override one or the other of this method and Dialect.getLimitString(String, int, int).

        getLimitString in class Dialect
        sql - The query to which to apply the limit.
        hasOffset - Is the query requesting an offset?
        the modified SQL
      • getBasicSelectClauseNullString

        public String getBasicSelectClauseNullString​(int sqlType)
        Allows access to the basic Dialect.getSelectClauseNullString(int) implementation...
        sqlType - The Types mapping type code
        The appropriate select clause fragment
      • getSelectClauseNullString

        public String getSelectClauseNullString​(int sqlType)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Given a Types type code, determine an appropriate null value to use in a select clause.

        One thing to consider here is that certain databases might require proper casting for the nulls here since the select here will be part of a UNION/UNION ALL.

        getSelectClauseNullString in class Dialect
        sqlType - The Types type code.
        The appropriate select clause value fragment.
      • getCurrentTimestampSelectString

        public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Retrieve the command used to retrieve the current timestamp from the database.
        getCurrentTimestampSelectString in class Dialect
        The command.
      • getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName

        public String getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        The name of the database-specific SQL function for retrieving the current timestamp.
        getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName in class Dialect
        The function name.
      • getAddColumnString

        public String getAddColumnString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        The syntax used to add a column to a table (optional).
        getAddColumnString in class Dialect
        The "add column" fragment.
      • getSequenceNextValString

        public String getSequenceNextValString​(String sequenceName)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Generate the appropriate select statement to to retrieve the next value of a sequence.

        This should be a "stand alone" select statement.

        getSequenceNextValString in class Dialect
        sequenceName - the name of the sequence
        String The "nextval" select string.
      • getSelectSequenceNextValString

        public String getSelectSequenceNextValString​(String sequenceName)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Generate the select expression fragment that will retrieve the next value of a sequence as part of another (typically DML) statement.

        This differs from Dialect.getSequenceNextValString(String) in that this should return an expression usable within another statement.

        getSelectSequenceNextValString in class Dialect
        sequenceName - the name of the sequence
        The "nextval" fragment.
      • getCreateSequenceString

        protected String getCreateSequenceString​(String sequenceName,
                                                 int initialValue,
                                                 int incrementSize)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Overloaded form of Dialect.getCreateSequenceString(String), additionally taking the initial value and increment size to be applied to the sequence definition.

        The default definition is to suffix Dialect.getCreateSequenceString(String) with the string: " start with {initialValue} increment by {incrementSize}" where {initialValue} and {incrementSize} are replacement placeholders. Generally dialects should only need to override this method if different key phrases are used to apply the allocation information.
        getCreateSequenceString in class Dialect
        sequenceName - The name of the sequence
        initialValue - The initial value to apply to 'create sequence' statement
        incrementSize - The increment value to apply to 'create sequence' statement
        The sequence creation command
      • getDropSequenceString

        public String getDropSequenceString​(String sequenceName)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Typically dialects which support sequences can drop a sequence with a single command. This is convenience form of Dialect.getDropSequenceStrings(java.lang.String) to help facilitate that.

        Dialects which support sequences and can drop a sequence in a single command need *only* override this method. Dialects which support sequences but require multiple commands to drop a sequence should instead override Dialect.getDropSequenceStrings(java.lang.String).

        getDropSequenceString in class Dialect
        sequenceName - The name of the sequence
        The sequence drop commands
      • dropConstraints

        public boolean dropConstraints()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Do we need to drop constraints before dropping tables in this dialect?
        dropConstraints in class Dialect
        True if constraints must be dropped prior to dropping the table; false otherwise.
      • getForUpdateNowaitString

        public String getForUpdateNowaitString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Retrieves the FOR UPDATE NOWAIT syntax specific to this dialect.
        getForUpdateNowaitString in class Dialect
        The appropriate FOR UPDATE NOWAIT clause string.
      • supportsSequences

        public boolean supportsSequences()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support sequences?
        supportsSequences in class Dialect
        True if sequences supported; false otherwise.
      • supportsLimit

        public boolean supportsLimit()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support some form of limiting query results via a SQL clause?
        supportsLimit in class Dialect
        True if this dialect supports some form of LIMIT.
      • getForUpdateString

        public String getForUpdateString​(String aliases)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list fragment appropriate for this dialect given the aliases of the columns to be write locked.
        getForUpdateString in class Dialect
        aliases - The columns to be write locked.
        The appropriate FOR UPDATE OF column_list clause string.
      • getForUpdateNowaitString

        public String getForUpdateNowaitString​(String aliases)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list NOWAIT fragment appropriate for this dialect given the aliases of the columns to be write locked.
        getForUpdateNowaitString in class Dialect
        aliases - The columns to be write locked.
        The appropriate FOR UPDATE OF colunm_list NOWAIT clause string.
      • bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder

        public boolean bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        ANSI SQL defines the LIMIT clause to be in the form LIMIT offset, limit. Does this dialect require us to bind the parameters in reverse order?
        bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder in class Dialect
        true if the correct order is limit, offset
      • useMaxForLimit

        public boolean useMaxForLimit()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does the LIMIT clause take a "maximum" row number instead of a total number of returned rows?

        This is easiest understood via an example. Consider you have a table with 20 rows, but you only want to retrieve rows number 11 through 20. Generally, a limit with offset would say that the offset = 11 and the limit = 10 (we only want 10 rows at a time); this is specifying the total number of returned rows. Some dialects require that we instead specify offset = 11 and limit = 20, where 20 is the "last" row we want relative to offset (i.e. total number of rows = 20 - 11 = 9)

        So essentially, is limit relative from offset? Or is limit absolute?

        useMaxForLimit in class Dialect
        True if limit is relative from offset; false otherwise.
      • forUpdateOfColumns

        public boolean forUpdateOfColumns()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Is FOR UPDATE OF syntax supported?
        forUpdateOfColumns in class Dialect
        True if the database supports FOR UPDATE OF syntax; false otherwise.
      • getQuerySequencesString

        public String getQuerySequencesString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the select command used retrieve the names of all sequences.
        getQuerySequencesString in class Dialect
        The select command; or null if sequences are not supported.
        See Also:
      • getSelectGUIDString

        public String getSelectGUIDString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the command used to select a GUID from the underlying database.

        Optional operation.

        getSelectGUIDString in class Dialect
        The appropriate command.
      • buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate

        public SQLExceptionConversionDelegate buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Build an instance of a SQLExceptionConversionDelegate for interpreting dialect-specific error or SQLState codes.

        When Dialect.buildSQLExceptionConverter() returns null, the default SQLExceptionConverter is used to interpret SQLState and error codes. If this method is overridden to return a non-null value, the default SQLExceptionConverter will use the returned SQLExceptionConversionDelegate in addition to the following standard delegates:

        1. a "static" delegate based on the JDBC 4 defined SQLException hierarchy;
        2. a delegate that interprets SQLState codes for either X/Open or SQL-2003 codes, depending on java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getSQLStateType

        It is strongly recommended that specific Dialect implementations override this method, since interpretation of a SQL error is much more accurate when based on the vendor-specific ErrorCode rather than the SQLState.

        Specific Dialects may override to return whatever is most appropriate for that vendor.

        buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate in class Dialect
        The SQLExceptionConversionDelegate for this dialect
      • registerResultSetOutParameter

        public int registerResultSetOutParameter​(CallableStatement statement,
                                                 int col)
                                          throws SQLException
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Registers a parameter (either OUT, or the new REF_CURSOR param type available in Java 8) capable of returning ResultSet *by position*. Pre-Java 8, registering such ResultSet-returning parameters varied greatly across database and drivers; hence its inclusion as part of the Dialect contract.
        registerResultSetOutParameter in class Dialect
        statement - The callable statement.
        col - The bind position at which to register the output param.
        The number of (contiguous) bind positions used.
        SQLException - Indicates problems registering the param.
      • supportsUnionAll

        public boolean supportsUnionAll()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support UNION ALL, which is generally a faster variant of UNION?
        supportsUnionAll in class Dialect
        True if UNION ALL is supported; false otherwise.
      • supportsCommentOn

        public boolean supportsCommentOn()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect/database support commenting on tables, columns, etc?
        supportsCommentOn in class Dialect
        true if commenting is supported
      • supportsCurrentTimestampSelection

        public boolean supportsCurrentTimestampSelection()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support a way to retrieve the database's current timestamp value?
        supportsCurrentTimestampSelection in class Dialect
        True if the current timestamp can be retrieved; false otherwise.
      • supportsEmptyInList

        public boolean supportsEmptyInList()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support empty IN lists?

        For example, is [where XYZ in ()] a supported construct?

        supportsEmptyInList in class Dialect
        True if empty in lists are supported; false otherwise.
      • supportsExistsInSelect

        public boolean supportsExistsInSelect()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does the dialect support an exists statement in the select clause?
        supportsExistsInSelect in class Dialect
        True if exists checks are allowed in the select clause; false otherwise.
      • getInExpressionCountLimit

        public int getInExpressionCountLimit()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Return the limit that the underlying database places on the number of elements in an IN predicate. If the database defines no such limits, simply return zero or less-than-zero.
        getInExpressionCountLimit in class Dialect
        int The limit, or zero-or-less to indicate no limit.
      • forceLobAsLastValue

        public boolean forceLobAsLastValue()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        HHH-4635 Oracle expects all Lob values to be last in inserts and updates.
        forceLobAsLastValue in class Dialect
        boolean True if Lob values should be last, false if it does not matter.
      • useFollowOnLocking

        public boolean useFollowOnLocking​(QueryParameters parameters)
        For Oracle, the FOR UPDATE clause cannot be applied when using ORDER BY, DISTINCT or views.
        useFollowOnLocking in class Dialect
        parameters -
        true indicates that the dialect requests that locking be applied by subsequent select; false (the default) indicates that locking should be applied to the main SQL statement..
        See Also:
        Oracle FOR UPDATE restrictions
      • getNotExpression

        public String getNotExpression​(String expression)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Negate an expression
        getNotExpression in class Dialect
        expression - The expression to negate
        The negated expression
      • getQueryHintString

        public String getQueryHintString​(String sql,
                                         String hints)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Apply a hint to the query. The entire query is provided, allowing the Dialect full control over the placement and syntax of the hint. By default, ignore the hint and simply return the query.
        getQueryHintString in class Dialect
        sql - The query to which to apply the hint.
        hints - The hints to apply
        The modified SQL
      • getMaxAliasLength

        public int getMaxAliasLength()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        What is the maximum length Hibernate can use for generated aliases?

        The maximum here should account for the fact that Hibernate often needs to append "uniqueing" information to the end of generated aliases. That "uniqueing" information will be added to the end of a identifier generated to the length specified here; so be sure to leave some room (generally speaking 5 positions will suffice).

        getMaxAliasLength in class Dialect
        The maximum length.
      • canCreateSchema

        public boolean canCreateSchema()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support schema creation?
        canCreateSchema in class Dialect
        True if the dialect supports schema creation; false otherwise.
      • getCurrentSchemaCommand

        public String getCurrentSchemaCommand()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the SQL command used to retrieve the current schema name. Works in conjunction with Dialect.getSchemaNameResolver(), unless the return from there does not need this information. E.g., a custom impl might make use of the Java 1.7 addition of the Connection.getSchema() method
        getCurrentSchemaCommand in class Dialect
        The current schema retrieval SQL
      • supportsPartitionBy

        public boolean supportsPartitionBy()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does the underlying database support partition by
        supportsPartitionBy in class Dialect
      • statementType

        protected String statementType​(String sql)
      • supportsNoWait

        public boolean supportsNoWait()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect/database support NO_WAIT timeout.
        supportsNoWait in class Dialect
        true if NO_WAIT is supported