Class SchemaUpdate

  • public class SchemaUpdate
    extends Object
    A commandline tool to update a database schema. May also be called from inside an application.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaUpdate

        public SchemaUpdate()
    • Method Detail

      • getExceptions

        public List getExceptions()
        Returns a List of all Exceptions which occurred during the export.
        A List containing the Exceptions occurred during the export
      • setHaltOnError

        public SchemaUpdate setHaltOnError​(boolean haltOnError)
      • setFormat

        public SchemaUpdate setFormat​(boolean format)
      • setOverrideOutputFileContent

        public SchemaUpdate setOverrideOutputFileContent()
        For generating a export script file, by default the content will be appended at the begin or end of the file. The sql will be written at the beginning of the file rather append to the end.
      • setDelimiter

        public SchemaUpdate setDelimiter​(String delimiter)
        Set the end of statement delimiter
        delimiter - The delimiter
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • buildMetadataFromMainArgs

        public static MetadataImplementor buildMetadataFromMainArgs​(String[] args)
                                                             throws Exception
        Intended for test usage only. Builds a Metadata using the same algorithm as main(java.lang.String[])
        args - The "command line args"
        The built Metadata
        Exception - Problems building the Metadata