Interface QueryCustomization<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
AllContext, BooleanJunction<T>, FuzzyContext, MustJunction, TermContext, WildcardContext
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface QueryCustomization<T>

Operations common to all types of queries

Emmanuel Bernard

Method Summary
 T boostedTo(float boost)
          Boost the query to a given value Most of the time positive float: - lower than 1 to diminish the weight - higher than 1 to increase the weight Could be negative but not unless you understand what is going on (advanced)
 T constantScore()
          All results matching the query have a constant score equals to the boost FIXME is that true?
 T filter( filter)
          Filter the query results with the Filter instance

Method Detail


T boostedTo(float boost)
Boost the query to a given value Most of the time positive float: - lower than 1 to diminish the weight - higher than 1 to increase the weight Could be negative but not unless you understand what is going on (advanced)


T constantScore()
All results matching the query have a constant score equals to the boost FIXME is that true?


T filter( filter)
Filter the query results with the Filter instance

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