Enum SpatialFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<SpatialFunction>

    public enum SpatialFunction
    extends Enum<SpatialFunction>
    Spatial functions that users generally expect in a database.

    The javadoc contains references to these specifications.

    • OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL, rev. 1.1 (OGC 99-049)
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • dimension

        public static final SpatialFunction dimension
        The dimension function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • geometrytype

        public static final SpatialFunction geometrytype
        The geometryType function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • srid

        public static final SpatialFunction srid
        The SRID function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • envelope

        public static final SpatialFunction envelope
        The envelope function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • astext

        public static final SpatialFunction astext
        The asText function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • asbinary

        public static final SpatialFunction asbinary
        The asBinary function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • isempty

        public static final SpatialFunction isempty
        The isEmpty function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • issimple

        public static final SpatialFunction issimple
        The isSimple function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • boundary

        public static final SpatialFunction boundary
        The boundery function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.1
      • equals

        public static final SpatialFunction equals
        The equals function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • disjoint

        public static final SpatialFunction disjoint
        The disjoint function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • intersects

        public static final SpatialFunction intersects
        The intersects function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • touches

        public static final SpatialFunction touches
        The touches function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • crosses

        public static final SpatialFunction crosses
        The crosses function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • within

        public static final SpatialFunction within
        The within function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • contains

        public static final SpatialFunction contains
        The contains function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • overlaps

        public static final SpatialFunction overlaps
        The overlaps function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • relate

        public static final SpatialFunction relate
        The relate function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.2
      • distance

        public static final SpatialFunction distance
        The distance function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • buffer

        public static final SpatialFunction buffer
        The buffer function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • convexhull

        public static final SpatialFunction convexhull
        The convexHull function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • intersection

        public static final SpatialFunction intersection
        The intersection function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • geomunion

        public static final SpatialFunction geomunion
        The union function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • difference

        public static final SpatialFunction difference
        The difference function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • symdifference

        public static final SpatialFunction symdifference
        The symDifference function, cfr. OGC 99-049, s2.1.1.3
      • dwithin

        public static final SpatialFunction dwithin
        the distance within function

        The semantics are those of Postgis function ST_Dwithin (geom1, geom2, distance) : boolean. It returns true if geom1 and geom2 are within the specified distance of one another (in units of the spatial reference system).

      • transform

        public static final SpatialFunction transform
        the transform function

        The semantics are those of the Postgis function ST_Transform(geometry, srid) : geometry. It returns new geometry with its coordinates transformed to the spatial reference system referenced by the srid parameter.

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static SpatialFunction[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (SpatialFunction c : SpatialFunction.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static SpatialFunction valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null