
sealed abstract class BlazeClientBuilder[F[_]] extends BlazeBackendBuilder[Client[F]] with BackendBuilder[F, Client[F]]
Value Params

Some custom SSLContext, or None if the default SSL context is to be lazily instantiated.

trait BackendBuilder[F, Client[F]]
trait BlazeBackendBuilder[Client[F]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Concrete methods

def resource: Resource[F, Client[F]]
def withAsynchronousChannelGroup(asynchronousChannelGroup: AsynchronousChannelGroup): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withAsynchronousChannelGroupOption(asynchronousChannelGroup: Option[AsynchronousChannelGroup]): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withBufferSize(bufferSize: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withChannelOptions(channelOptions: ChannelOptions): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withCheckEndpointAuthentication(checkEndpointIdentification: Boolean): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withChunkBufferMaxSize(chunkBufferMaxSize: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withConnectTimeout(connectTimeout: Duration): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withCustomDnsResolver(customDnsResolver: RequestKey => Either[Throwable, InetSocketAddress]): BlazeClientBuilder[F]

Use an SSLContext obtained by SSLContext.getDefault() when making secure calls.

Use an SSLContext obtained by SSLContext.getDefault() when making secure calls.

Since 0.21, the creation is not deferred.

def withExecutionContext(executionContext: ExecutionContext): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withIdleTimeout(idleTimeout: Duration): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withMaxChunkSize(maxChunkSize: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withMaxConnectionsPerRequestKey(maxConnectionsPerRequestKey: RequestKey => Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withMaxHeaderLength(maxHeaderLength: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withMaxResponseLineSize(maxResponseLineSize: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withMaxTotalConnections(maxTotalConnections: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withMaxWaitQueueLimit(maxWaitQueueLimit: Int): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withRequestTimeout(requestTimeout: Duration): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withResponseHeaderTimeout(responseHeaderTimeout: Duration): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withScheduler(scheduler: TickWheelExecutor): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withSslContext(sslContext: SSLContext): BlazeClientBuilder[F]

Use the provided SSLContext when making secure calls

Use the provided SSLContext when making secure calls

def withUserAgent(userAgent: `User-Agent`): BlazeClientBuilder[F]
def withUserAgentOption(userAgent: Option[`User-Agent`]): BlazeClientBuilder[F]

Disable secure calls

Disable secure calls

Deprecated methods

@deprecated(message = "Use withDefaultSslContext, withSslContext or withoutSslContext to set the SSLContext", since = "0.22.0-M1")
def withSslContextOption(sslContext: Option[SSLContext]): BlazeClientBuilder[F]

Use some provided SSLContext when making secure calls, or disable secure calls with None

Use some provided SSLContext when making secure calls, or disable secure calls with None

[Since version 0.22.0-M1] Use withDefaultSslContext, withSslContext or withoutSslContext to set the SSLContext

Inherited methods

def allocated: F[(Client[F], F[Unit])]

Returns an effect that allocates a backend and an F[Unit] to release it. The returned F waits until the backend is ready to process requests. The second element of the tuple shuts down the backend when run.

Returns an effect that allocates a backend and an F[Unit] to release it. The returned F waits until the backend is ready to process requests. The second element of the tuple shuts down the backend when run.

Unlike resource and stream, there is no automatic release of the backend. This function is intended for REPL sessions, tests, and other situations where composing a cats.effect.Resource or fs2.Stream is not tenable. resource or stream is recommended wherever possible.

Inherited from
def channelOption[A](socketOption: SocketOption[A]): Option[A]
Inherited from
def socketKeepAlive: Option[Boolean]
Inherited from
def socketReceiveBufferSize: Option[Int]
Inherited from
def socketReuseAddress: Option[Boolean]
Inherited from
def socketSendBufferSize: Option[Int]
Inherited from
def stream: Stream[F, Client[F]]

Returns the backend as a single-element stream. The stream does not emit until the backend is ready to process requests. The backend is shut down when the stream is finalized.

Returns the backend as a single-element stream. The stream does not emit until the backend is ready to process requests. The backend is shut down when the stream is finalized.

Inherited from
def tcpNoDelay: Option[Boolean]
Inherited from
def withChannelOption[A](key: SocketOption[A], value: A): Self
Inherited from
def withDefaultChannelOption[A](key: SocketOption[A]): Self
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def withSocketKeepAlive(socketKeepAlive: Boolean): Self
Inherited from
def withSocketReceiveBufferSize(socketReceiveBufferSize: Int): Self
Inherited from
def withSocketReuseAddress(socketReuseAddress: Boolean): Self
Inherited from
def withSocketSendBufferSize(socketSendBufferSize: Int): Self
Inherited from
def withTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): Self
Inherited from

Concrete fields

val asynchronousChannelGroup: Option[AsynchronousChannelGroup]
val bufferSize: Int
val channelOptions: ChannelOptions
val connectTimeout: Duration
val customDnsResolver: Option[RequestKey => Either[Throwable, InetSocketAddress]]
val executionContext: ExecutionContext
val idleTimeout: Duration
val maxChunkSize: Int
val maxConnectionsPerRequestKey: RequestKey => Int
val maxHeaderLength: Int
val requestTimeout: Duration
val responseHeaderTimeout: Duration
val scheduler: Resource[F, TickWheelExecutor]
val sslContext: SSLContextOption
val userAgent: Option[`User-Agent`]