
class BlazeServerBuilder[F[_]] extends ServerBuilder[F]

BlazeServerBuilder is the component for the builder pattern aggregating different components to finally serve requests.


Value parameters:

Pretty log to display on server start. An empty sequence such as Nil disables this


Buffer size to use for IO operations


Size of the buffer that is used when Content-Length header is not specified.


Number of worker threads for the new Socket Server Group


The services that are mounted on this server to serve..


Period of Time a connection can remain idle before the connection is timed out and disconnected. Duration.Inf disables this feature.


Whether or not to enable Http2 Server Features


The maximum number of client connections that may be active at any time.


Maximum data that composes the headers. If exceeded returns a 400 Bad Request.


Maximum request line to parse If exceeded returns a 400 Bad Request.


The maximum Websocket buffer length. 'None' means unbounded.


Time from when the request is made until a response line is generated before a 503 response is returned and the HttpApp is canceled


The last resort to recover and generate a response this is necessary to recover totality from the error condition.


Socket Address the server will be mounted at

trait ServerBuilder[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Concrete methods

override def bindSocketAddress(socketAddress: InetSocketAddress): Self
Definition Classes
def enableHttp2(enabled: Boolean): Self
def withBanner(banner: Seq[String]): Self
def withBufferSize(size: Int): Self
def withChunkBufferMaxSize(chunkBufferMaxSize: Int): BlazeServerBuilder[F]

Configures the compute thread pool used to process some async computations.

Configures the compute thread pool used to process some async computations.

This defaults to cats.effect.Async[F].executionContext. In almost all cases, it is desirable to use the default.

The Blaze server has a single-threaded event loop receiver used for picking up tcp connections which is completely separate to this pool. Following picking up a tcp connection, Blaze shifts to a compute pool to process requests. The request processing logic specified by the HttpApp is executed on the cats.effect.Async[F].executionContext. Some of the other async computations involved in request processing are executed on this pool.

def withHttpApp(httpApp: HttpApp[F]): Self
def withIdleTimeout(idleTimeout: Duration): Self
def withLengthLimits(maxRequestLineLen: Int, maxHeadersLen: Int): Self

Configure HTTP parser length limits

Configure HTTP parser length limits

These are to avoid denial of service attacks due to, for example, an infinite request line.

Value parameters:

maximum data that compose headers


maximum request line to parse

def withMaxConnections(maxConnections: Int): BlazeServerBuilder[F]
def withMaxHeadersLength(maxHeadersLength: Int): BlazeServerBuilder[F]
def withMaxRequestLineLength(maxRequestLineLength: Int): BlazeServerBuilder[F]
def withMaxWebSocketBufferSize(maxWebSocketBufferSize: Option[Int]): BlazeServerBuilder[F]
def withResponseHeaderTimeout(responseHeaderTimeout: Duration): Self
def withSelectorThreadFactory(selectorThreadFactory: ThreadFactory): Self
def withServiceErrorHandler(serviceErrorHandler: () => F): Self
def withSslContext(sslContext: SSLContext): Self

Configures the server with TLS, using the provided SSLContext and its default SSLParameters

Configures the server with TLS, using the provided SSLContext and its default SSLParameters

def withSslContextAndParameters(sslContext: SSLContext, sslParameters: SSLParameters): Self

Configures the server with TLS, using the provided SSLContext and SSLParameters.

Configures the server with TLS, using the provided SSLContext and SSLParameters.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Build an `SSLContext` from the first four parameters and use `withSslContext` (note lowercase). To also request client certificates, use `withSslContextAndParameters, calling either `.setWantClientAuth(true)` or `setNeedClientAuth(true)` on the `SSLParameters`.", "0.21.0-RC3")
def withSSL(keyStore: StoreInfo, keyManagerPassword: String, protocol: String, trustStore: Option[StoreInfo], clientAuth: SSLClientAuthMode): Self
@deprecated("Use `withSslContext` (note lowercase). To request client certificates, use `withSslContextAndParameters, calling either `.setWantClientAuth(true)` or `setNeedClientAuth(true)` on the `SSLParameters`.", "0.21.0-RC3")
def withSSLContext(sslContext: SSLContext, clientAuth: SSLClientAuthMode): Self
@deprecated("This operation is a no-op. WebSockets are always enabled.", "0.23")
def withWebSockets(enableWebsockets: Boolean): Self

Inherited methods

def allocated: F[(Server, F[Unit])]

Returns an effect that allocates a backend and an F[Unit] to release it. The returned F waits until the backend is ready to process requests. The second element of the tuple shuts down the backend when run.

Returns an effect that allocates a backend and an F[Unit] to release it. The returned F waits until the backend is ready to process requests. The second element of the tuple shuts down the backend when run.

Unlike resource and stream, there is no automatic release of the backend. This function is intended for REPL sessions, tests, and other situations where composing a cats.effect.Resource or fs2.Stream is not tenable. resource or stream is recommended wherever possible.

Inherited from:
final def bindAny(host: String): Self
Inherited from:
final def bindHttp(port: Int, host: String): Self
Inherited from:
final def bindLocal(port: Int): Self
Inherited from:
def channelOption[A](socketOption: SocketOption[A]): Option[A]
Inherited from:
final def serve: Stream[F, ExitCode]

Runs the server as a process that never emits. Useful for a server that runs for the rest of the JVM's life.

Runs the server as a process that never emits. Useful for a server that runs for the rest of the JVM's life.

Inherited from:
final def serveWhile(terminateWhenTrue: Signal[F, Boolean], exitWith: Ref[F, ExitCode]): Stream[F, ExitCode]

Runs the server as a Stream that emits only when the terminated signal becomes true. Useful for servers with associated lifetime behaviors.

Runs the server as a Stream that emits only when the terminated signal becomes true. Useful for servers with associated lifetime behaviors.

Inherited from:

Returns the backend as a single-element stream. The stream does not emit until the backend is ready to process requests. The backend is shut down when the stream is finalized.

Returns the backend as a single-element stream. The stream does not emit until the backend is ready to process requests. The backend is shut down when the stream is finalized.

Inherited from:
def withChannelOption[A](key: SocketOption[A], value: A): Self
Inherited from:
def withDefaultChannelOption[A](key: SocketOption[A]): Self
Inherited from:
def withSocketKeepAlive(socketKeepAlive: Boolean): Self
Inherited from:
def withSocketReceiveBufferSize(socketReceiveBufferSize: Int): Self
Inherited from:
def withSocketReuseAddress(socketReuseAddress: Boolean): Self
Inherited from:
def withSocketSendBufferSize(socketSendBufferSize: Int): Self
Inherited from:
def withTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): Self
Inherited from:
final def withoutBanner: Self

Disable the banner when the server starts up

Disable the banner when the server starts up

Inherited from:

Concrete fields