
trait CirceInstances extends JawnInstances
trait JawnInstances
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def accumulatingJsonOf[F[_], A](F: Sync[F], decoder: Decoder[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A]

An EntityDecoder that uses circe's accumulating decoder for decoding the JSON.

An EntityDecoder that uses circe's accumulating decoder for decoding the JSON.

In case of a failure, returns an InvalidMessageBodyFailure with the cause containing a DecodingFailures exception, from which the errors can be extracted.

def jsonDecoderAdaptive[F[_]](cutoff: Long, r1: MediaRange, rs: MediaRange*)(`evidence$5`: Sync[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Json]
def jsonDecoderByteBuffer[F[_]](`evidence$2`: Sync[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Json]
def jsonDecoderIncremental[F[_]](`evidence$1`: Sync[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Json]
def jsonEncoderOf[F[_], A](`evidence$10`: Encoder[A]): EntityEncoder[F, A]
def jsonEncoderWithPrinter[F[_]](printer: Printer): EntityEncoder[F, Json]
def jsonEncoderWithPrinterOf[F[_], A](printer: Printer)(encoder: Encoder[A]): EntityEncoder[F, A]
def jsonOf[F[_], A](`evidence$6`: Sync[F], `evidence$7`: Decoder[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A]
def jsonOfSensitive[F[_], A](redact: Json => String)(`evidence$8`: Sync[F], `evidence$9`: Decoder[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A]
def jsonOfWithMedia[F[_], A](r1: MediaRange, rs: MediaRange*)(F: Sync[F], decoder: Decoder[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A]
def jsonOfWithSensitiveMedia[F[_], A](redact: Json => String, r1: MediaRange, rs: MediaRange*)(F: Sync[F], decoder: Decoder[A]): EntityDecoder[F, A]
def streamJsonArrayEncoderOf[F[_], A](`evidence$11`: Encoder[A]): EntityEncoder[F, Stream[F, A]]
def streamJsonArrayEncoderWithPrinter[F[_]](printer: Printer): EntityEncoder[F, Stream[F, Json]]

An EntityEncoder for a fs2.Stream of JSONs, which will encode it as a single JSON array.

An EntityEncoder for a fs2.Stream of JSONs, which will encode it as a single JSON array.

def streamJsonArrayEncoderWithPrinterOf[F[_], A](printer: Printer)(encoder: Encoder[A]): EntityEncoder[F, Stream[F, A]]

An EntityEncoder for a fs2.Stream of values, which will encode it as a single JSON array.

An EntityEncoder for a fs2.Stream of values, which will encode it as a single JSON array.

Inherited methods

def jawnDecoder[F[_], J](`evidence$1`: Sync[F], `evidence$2`: Facade[J]): EntityDecoder[F, J]
Inherited from



implicit val decodeUri: Decoder[Uri]
implicit val encodeUri: Encoder[Uri]
implicit def jsonDecoder[F[_]](`evidence$4`: Sync[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Json]
implicit def jsonEncoder[F[_]]: EntityEncoder[F, Json]
implicit def streamJsonArrayEncoder[F[_]]: EntityEncoder[F, Stream[F, Json]]
final implicit def toMessageSyntax[F[_]](req: Message[F]): MessageSyntax[F]