



package http4s

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. http4s
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class AttributeEntry [T](key: AttributeKey[T], value: T) extends Product with Serializable

    A map entry where key is constrained to only be associated with a fixed value of type T.

  2. final class AttributeKey [T] extends AnyRef

    A key in an AttributeMap that constrains its associated value to be of type T.

    A key in an AttributeMap that constrains its associated value to be of type T. The key is uniquely defined by its reference: there are no duplicate keys, even those with the same name and type.

  3. final class AttributeMap extends AnyRef

    An immutable map where an AttributeKey for a fixed type T can only be associated with values of type T.

    An immutable map where an AttributeKey for a fixed type T can only be associated with values of type T. Because the equality of keys is based on reference, it is therefore possible for this map to contain mappings for keys with the same label and same types.

  4. type AuthScheme = CaseInsensitiveString
  5. case class AuthedRequest [A](authInfo: A, req: Request) extends Product with Serializable
  6. type AuthedService[T] = Kleisli[Task, AuthedRequest[T], Response]
  7. final case class BasicCredentials (username: String, password: String) extends Credentials with Product with Serializable
  8. sealed trait CacheDirective extends Product with Renderable
  9. type Callback[A] = (\/[Throwable, A]) ⇒ Unit
  10. final case class Challenge (scheme: String, realm: String, params: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  11. final case class Charset extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  12. sealed abstract class CharsetRange extends HasQValue with Renderable
  13. trait CharsetRangeInstances extends AnyRef
  14. final case class ContentCoding (coding: CaseInsensitiveString, qValue: QValue = QValue.One) extends HasQValue with Renderable with Product with Serializable
  15. final case class Cookie (name: String, content: String, expires: Option[Instant] = None, maxAge: Option[Long] = None, domain: Option[String] = None, path: Option[String] = None, secure: Boolean = false, httpOnly: Boolean = false, extension: Option[String] = None) extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  16. sealed abstract class Credentials extends Renderable
  17. sealed abstract class DecodeFailure extends MessageFailure

    Indicates a problem decoding a Message.

    Indicates a problem decoding a Message. This may either be a problem with the entity headers or with the entity itself.

  18. type DecodeResult[T] = EitherT[Task, DecodeFailure, T]
  19. type EntityBody = Process[Task, ByteVector]
  20. trait EntityDecoder [T] extends AnyRef

    A type that can be used to decode a Message EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode a Message returning the entire resulting A.

    A type that can be used to decode a Message EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode a Message returning the entire resulting A. If an error occurs it will result in a failed Task The default decoders provided here are not streaming, but one could implement a streaming decoder by having the value of A be some kind of streaming construct.


    result type produced by the decoder

  21. trait EntityDecoderInstances extends AnyRef

    Implementations of the EntityDecoder instances

  22. trait EntityEncoder [A] extends AnyRef
  23. trait EntityEncoderInstances extends EntityEncoderInstances0
  24. trait EntityEncoderInstances0 extends AnyRef
  25. type EventStream = Process[Task, ServerSentEvent]

    A stream of server-sent events

  26. trait Fallthrough [B] extends AnyRef

    Encapsulates the notion of fallthrough orElse for a Service For any given B, if a Fallthrough[B] exists within implicit context then service.orElse can be used.

  27. final case class GenericCredentials (authScheme: AuthScheme, params: Map[String, String]) extends Credentials with Product with Serializable
  28. final case class GenericDecodeFailure (message: String, response: (HttpVersion) ⇒ Task[Response]) extends DecodeFailure with Product with Serializable

    Generic description of a failure to decode a Message

  29. final case class GenericMessageBodyFailure (message: String, cause: Option[Throwable], response: (HttpVersion) ⇒ Task[Response]) extends MessageBodyFailure with Product with Serializable

    Generic description of a failure to handle a Message body

  30. final case class GenericParsingFailure (sanitized: String, details: String, response: (HttpVersion) ⇒ Task[Response]) extends ParsingFailure with Product with Serializable

    Generic description of a failure to parse an HTTP Message

  31. trait HasQValue extends AnyRef
  32. sealed trait Header extends Renderable with Product

    Abstract representation o the HTTP header

    Abstract representation o the HTTP header

    See also


  33. sealed trait HeaderKey extends AnyRef
  34. final class Headers extends Iterable[Header] with IterableLike[Header, Headers]

    A collection of HTTP Headers

  35. trait Http4s extends Http4sInstances with Http4sFunctions with Http4sSyntax
  36. trait Http4sFunctions extends QValueFunctions with UriFunctions
  37. trait Http4sInstances extends EntityDecoderInstances with HttpVersionInstances with EntityEncoderInstances with CharsetRangeInstances with QValueInstances with MethodInstances with StatusInstances
  38. trait Http4sSyntax extends CaseInsensitiveStringSyntax with MessageSyntax
  39. final case class Http4sVersion (major: Int, minor: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  40. type HttpService = Kleisli[Task, Request, Response]

    A Service that produces a Task to compute a Response from a Request.

    A Service that produces a Task to compute a Response from a Request. An HttpService can be run on any supported http4s server backend, such as Blaze, Jetty, or Tomcat.

  41. final case class HttpVersion extends Renderable with Ordered[HttpVersion] with Product with Serializable

    An HTTP version, as seen on the start line of an HTTP request or response.

    An HTTP version, as seen on the start line of an HTTP request or response.

    See also

    [ RFC 7320, Section 2.6

  42. trait HttpVersionInstances extends AnyRef
  43. final case class InvalidBodyException (msg: String) extends Exception with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable

    Exception dealing with invalid body

    Exception dealing with invalid body


    description if what makes the body invalid

  44. sealed case class InvalidMessageBodyFailure (details: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends MessageBodyFailure with Product with Serializable

    Indicates a semantic error decoding the body of an HTTP Message.

  45. final case class InvalidResponseException (msg: String) extends Exception with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable

    Exception dealing with invalid response

    Exception dealing with invalid response


    description if what makes the response invalid

  46. final case class LanguageTag (primaryTag: String, q: QValue = QValue.One, subTags: Seq[String] = Nil) extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  47. sealed case class MalformedMessageBodyFailure (details: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends MessageBodyFailure with Product with Serializable

    Indicates an syntactic error decoding the body of an HTTP Message.

  48. sealed class MediaRange extends Renderable
  49. sealed class MediaType extends MediaRange
  50. final case class MediaTypeMismatch (messageType: MediaType, expected: Set[MediaRange]) extends UnsupportedMediaTypeFailure with Product with Serializable

    Indicates that no EntityDecoder matches the MediaType of the Message being decoded

  51. final case class MediaTypeMissing (expected: Set[MediaRange]) extends UnsupportedMediaTypeFailure with Product with Serializable

    Indicates that a Message attempting to be decoded has no MediaType and no EntityDecoder was lenient enough to accept it.

  52. sealed trait Message extends MessageOps

    Represents a HTTP Message.

    Represents a HTTP Message. The interesting subclasses are Request and Response while most of the functionality is found in MessageSyntax and ResponseOps

    See also

    MessageSyntax, ResponseOps

  53. sealed abstract class MessageBodyFailure extends DecodeFailure

    Indicates a problem decoding a Message body.

  54. sealed abstract class MessageFailure extends RuntimeException

    Indicates a failure to handle an HTTP Message.

  55. trait MessageOps extends Any
  56. trait MessageSyntax extends AnyRef
  57. sealed abstract case class Method extends Renderable with Semantics with Product with Serializable

    An HTTP method.

    An HTTP method.

    See also

    [ IANA HTTP Method Registry]

    [ RFC7321, Section 4]

  58. trait MethodInstances extends AnyRef
  59. final case class OAuth2BearerToken (token: String) extends Credentials with Product with Serializable
  60. final case class ParseFailure (sanitized: String, details: String) extends ParsingFailure with Product with Serializable

    Indicates an error parsing an HTTP Message.

    Indicates an error parsing an HTTP Message.


    May safely be displayed to a client to describe an error condition. Should not echo any part of a Request.


    Contains any relevant details omitted from the sanitized version of the error. This may freely echo a Request.

  61. type ParseResult[+A] = \/[ParseFailure, A]
  62. sealed abstract class ParsingFailure extends MessageFailure with NoStackTrace

    Indicates an error parsing an HTTP Message.

  63. final class QValue extends AnyVal with Ordered[QValue] with Renderable

    A Quality Value.

    A Quality Value. Represented as thousandths for an exact representation rounded to three decimal places.

    See also

    RFC 2616, Section 3.9

  64. trait QValueFunctions extends AnyRef
  65. trait QValueInstances extends AnyRef
  66. final class Query extends IndexedSeq[KeyValue] with IndexedSeqOptimized[KeyValue, Query] with QueryOps with Renderable

    Collection representation of a query string

    Collection representation of a query string

    It is a indexed sequence of key and maybe a value pairs which maps precisely to a query string, modulo the identity of separators.

    When rendered, the resulting String will have the pairs separated by '&' while the key is separated from the value with '='

  67. trait QueryOps extends AnyRef
  68. trait QueryParam [T] extends AnyRef

    type class defining the key of a query parameter Usually used in conjunction with QueryParamEncoder and QueryParamDecoder

  69. trait QueryParamDecoder [T] extends AnyRef

    Type class defining how to decode a QueryParameterValue into a T

    Type class defining how to decode a QueryParameterValue into a T

    See also


  70. trait QueryParamEncoder [T] extends AnyRef

    Type class defining how to encode a T as a QueryParameterValues

    Type class defining how to encode a T as a QueryParameterValues

    See also


  71. trait QueryParamKeyLike [T] extends AnyRef
  72. final case class QueryParameterKey (value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  73. final case class QueryParameterValue (value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  74. final case class RangeUnit (value: String) extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  75. final case class Request (method: Method = Method.GET, uri: Uri = Uri(path = "/"), httpVersion: HttpVersion = HttpVersion.`HTTP/1.1`, headers: Headers = Headers.empty, body: EntityBody = EmptyBody, attributes: AttributeMap = AttributeMap.empty) extends Message with RequestOps with Product with Serializable

    Representation of an incoming HTTP message

    Representation of an incoming HTTP message

    A Request encapsulates the entirety of the incoming HTTP request including the status line, headers, and a possible request body.


    Method.GET, Method.POST, etc.


    representation of the request URI


    the HTTP version


    collection of Headers

    body[Task,Chunk] defining the body of the request


    Immutable Map used for carrying additional information in a type safe fashion

  76. class RequestCookieJar extends Iterable[Cookie] with IterableLike[Cookie, RequestCookieJar]
  77. trait RequestOps extends MessageOps
  78. final case class Response (status: Status = Status.Ok, httpVersion: HttpVersion = HttpVersion.`HTTP/1.1`, headers: Headers = Headers.empty, body: EntityBody = EmptyBody, attributes: AttributeMap = AttributeMap.empty) extends Message with ResponseOps with Product with Serializable

    Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client

    Representation of the HTTP response to send back to the client


    Status code and message


    Headers containing all response headers

    body[Task,Chunk] representing the possible body of the response


    AttributeMap containing additional parameters which may be used by the http4s backend for additional processing such as object

  79. trait ResponseOps extends MessageOps
  80. case class ServerSentEvent (data: String, eventType: Option[String] = None, id: Option[EventId] = None, retry: Option[Long] = None) extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  81. type Service[A, B] = Kleisli[Task, A, B]

    A Service wraps a function of request type A to a Task that runs to response type B.

    A Service wraps a function of request type A to a Task that runs to response type B. By wrapping the Service, we can compose them using Kleisli operations.

  82. final case class Status extends Ordered[Status] with Renderable with Product with Serializable

    Representation of the HTTP response code and reason

    Representation of the HTTP response code and reason

    Note: the reason is not important to the protocol and is not considered in equality checks.

    See also

    [ IANA Status Code Registry]

    [ RFC7231, Section 6]

  83. trait StatusInstances extends AnyRef
  84. trait TaskMessageOps [M <: Message] extends MessageOps
  85. final class TaskRequestOps extends AnyVal with TaskMessageOps[Request] with RequestOps
  86. final class TaskResponseOps extends AnyVal with TaskMessageOps[Response] with ResponseOps
  87. final case class TransferCoding extends Renderable with Product with Serializable
  88. sealed abstract class UnsupportedMediaTypeFailure extends DecodeFailure with NoStackTrace

    Indicates that a Message came with no supported MediaType.

  89. final case class Uri (scheme: Option[CaseInsensitiveString] = None, authority: Option[Authority] = None, path: Path = "", query: Query = Query.empty, fragment: Option[Fragment] = None) extends QueryOps with Renderable with Product with Serializable

    Representation of the Request URI

    Representation of the Request URI


    optional Uri Scheme. eg, http, https


    optional Uri Authority. eg, localhost:8080,


    url-encoded string representation of the path component of the Uri.


    optional Query. url-encoded.


    optional Uri Fragment. url-encoded.

  90. trait UriFunctions extends AnyRef
  91. final case class UriTemplate (scheme: Option[Scheme] = None, authority: Option[Authority] = None, path: Path = Nil, query: UriTemplate.Query = Nil, fragment: Fragment = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Simple representation of a URI Template that can be rendered as RFC6570 conform string.

    Simple representation of a URI Template that can be rendered as RFC6570 conform string.

    This model reflects only a subset of RFC6570.

    Level 1 and Level 2 are completely modeled and Level 3 features are limited to:

    • Path segments, slash-prefixed
    • Form-style query, ampersand-separated
    • Fragment expansion
  92. final class UrlForm extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. val ApiVersion: Http4sVersion
  2. val DefaultCharset: Charset
  3. def EmptyBody: EntityBody
  4. object AttributeKey
  5. object AttributeMap
  6. object AuthScheme
  7. object AuthedRequest extends Serializable
  8. object AuthedService extends Serializable
  9. object BasicCredentials extends Serializable
  10. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  11. object CacheDirective

    A registry of cache-directives, as listed in

  12. object Charset extends Serializable
  13. object CharsetRange extends CharsetRangeInstances
  14. object ContentCoding extends Registry with Serializable
  15. object DecodeResult
  16. object EntityDecoder extends EntityDecoderInstances

    EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode an EntityBody This companion object provides a way to create new EntityDecoders along with some commonly used instances which can be resolved implicitly.

  17. object EntityEncoder extends EntityEncoderInstances
  18. object Fallthrough

    Houses the principal Fallthrough typeclass instances.

  19. object Header
  20. object HeaderKey
  21. object Headers
  22. object Http4s extends Http4s
  23. object Http4sFunctions extends Http4sFunctions
  24. object Http4sInstances extends Http4sInstances
  25. object Http4sSyntax extends Http4sSyntax
  26. object HttpService extends Serializable
  27. object HttpVersion extends HttpVersionInstances with Serializable
  28. object LanguageTag extends Serializable
  29. object MediaRange extends Registry
  30. object MediaType extends Registry
  31. object Message
  32. object MessageSyntax extends MessageSyntax
  33. object Method extends MethodInstances with Serializable
  34. object ParseFailure extends Serializable
  35. object ParseResult
  36. object QValue extends QValueInstances with QValueFunctions
  37. object Query
  38. object QueryParam
  39. object QueryParamDecoder
  40. object QueryParamEncoder
  41. object QueryParamKeyLike
  42. object RangeUnit extends Serializable
  43. object Request extends Serializable
  44. object RequestCookieJar
  45. object Response extends Serializable
  46. object ServerSentEvent extends Serializable
  47. object Service
  48. object StaticFile
  49. object Status extends Serializable
  50. object TransferCoding extends Registry with Serializable
  51. object Uri extends UriFunctions with Serializable
  52. object UriTemplate extends Serializable
  53. object UrlForm

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
