
@deprecated("Use the CookieJar middleware instead", "0.21.20") final class RequestCookieJar extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ++(cookies: Iterable[RequestCookie]): RequestCookieJar
def apply(key: String): RequestCookie
def contains(key: String): Boolean
def default(key: String): RequestCookie
def filterKeys(p: String => Boolean): RequestCookieJar

Filters this map by retaining only keys satisfying a predicate.

Filters this map by retaining only keys satisfying a predicate.

Value Params

the predicate used to test keys


an immutable map consisting only of those key value pairs of this map where the key satisfies the predicate p. The resulting map wraps the original map without copying any elements.

def get(key: String): Option[RequestCookie]
def getOrElse(key: String, default: => String): RequestCookie
def iterator: Iterator[RequestCookie]
def keySet: Set[String]
def keys: Iterable[String]

Collects all keys of this map in an iterable collection.

Collects all keys of this map in an iterable collection.


the keys of this map as an iterable.

def keysIterator: Iterator[String]

Creates an iterator for all keys.

Creates an iterator for all keys.


an iterator over all keys.

override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
def values: Iterable[String]

Collects all values of this map in an iterable collection.

Collects all values of this map in an iterable collection.


the values of this map as an iterable.

def valuesIterator: Iterator[Any]

Creates an iterator for all values in this map.

Creates an iterator for all values in this map.


an iterator over all values that are associated with some key in this map.

Concrete fields