
final class Headers extends AnyVal

A collection of HTTP Headers

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Headers
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Headers(headers: List[Raw])

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
  3. def ++(those: Headers): Headers
  4. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  5. def add[H](h: H)(implicit arg0: Header[H, Recurring]): Headers
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. def contains[A](implicit ev: Header[A, _]): Boolean

    Returns true if there is at least one header by the specified name.

  8. def foreach(f: (Raw) ⇒ Unit): Unit
  9. def get(key: CIString): Option[NonEmptyList[Raw]]

    Attempt to get headers by key from this collection of headers.

    Attempt to get headers by key from this collection of headers.


    name of the headers to find.


    a scala.Option possibly containing the resulting collection of org.http4s.Header.Raw.

  10. def get[A](implicit ev: Select[A]): Option[F[A]]

    Attempt to get a (potentially repeating) header from this collection of headers.

    Attempt to get a (potentially repeating) header from this collection of headers.


    a scala.Option possibly containing the resulting (potentially repeating) header.

  11. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  12. def getWithWarnings[A](implicit ev: Select[A]): Option[Ior[NonEmptyList[ParseFailure], F[A]]]

    Attempt to get a (potentially repeating) header and/or any parse errors from this collection of headers.

    Attempt to get a (potentially repeating) header and/or any parse errors from this collection of headers.


    a scala.Option possibly containing the resulting (potentially repeating) header and/or any parse errors.

  13. val headers: List[Raw]
  14. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  15. def mkString(separator: String, redactWhen: (CIString) ⇒ Boolean): String

    Creates a string representation for a list of headers and redacts sensitive headers' values.

    Creates a string representation for a list of headers and redacts sensitive headers' values.


    the separator string


    the function for filtering out header values of sensitive headers


    a string representation of the list of headers. The resulting string is constructed from the string representations of all headers separated by the string separator. Sensitive headers' values are redacted with the redactWhen function.

  16. def mkString(start: String, separator: String, end: String, redactWhen: (CIString) ⇒ Boolean): String

    Creates a string representation for a list of headers and redacts sensitive headers' values.

    Creates a string representation for a list of headers and redacts sensitive headers' values.


    the starting string


    the separator string


    the ending string


    the function for filtering out header values of sensitive headers


    a string representation of the list of headers. The resulting string begins with the string start and ends with the string end. Inside, the string representations of all headers are separated by the string separator. Sensitive headers' values are redacted with the redactWhen function.

  17. def put(in: ToRaw*): Headers

    Make a new collection adding the specified headers, replacing existing Single headers.

    Make a new collection adding the specified headers, replacing existing Single headers.


    multiple heteregenous headers Header to append to the new collection, see Header.ToRaw


    a new Headers containing the sum of the initial and input headers

  18. def redactSensitive(redactWhen: (CIString) ⇒ Boolean = Headers.SensitiveHeaders.contains): Headers
  19. def removePayloadHeaders: Headers

    Removes the Content-Length, Content-Range, Trailer, and Transfer-Encoding headers.

    Removes the Content-Length, Content-Range, Trailer, and Transfer-Encoding headers.

  20. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Headers → Any
  21. def transform(f: (List[Raw]) ⇒ List[Raw]): Headers
  22. def withContentLength(contentLength: Content-Length): Headers

    Puts a Content-Length header, replacing any existing.

    Puts a Content-Length header, replacing any existing. Removes any existing chunked value from the Transfer-Encoding header. It is critical that the supplied content length accurately describe the length of the body stream.

    scala> import org.http4s.headers._
    scala> val chunked = Headers(
         |   `Transfer-Encoding`(TransferCoding.chunked),
         |   `Content-Type`(MediaType.text.plain))
    scala> chunked.withContentLength(`Content-Length`.unsafeFromLong(1024))
    res0: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 1024, Content-Type: text/plain)
    scala> val chunkedGzipped = Headers(
         |   `Transfer-Encoding`(TransferCoding.chunked, TransferCoding.gzip),
         |   `Content-Type`(MediaType.text.plain))
    scala> chunkedGzipped.withContentLength(`Content-Length`.unsafeFromLong(1024))
    res1: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 1024, Transfer-Encoding: gzip, Content-Type: text/plain)
    scala> val const = Headers(
         |   `Content-Length`(2048),
         |   `Content-Type`(MediaType.text.plain))
    scala> const.withContentLength(`Content-Length`.unsafeFromLong(1024))
    res1: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 1024, Content-Type: text/plain)

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
