
A websocket client capable of establishing "high level" connections.

See also:

WSClient for a client also capable of "low-level" connections

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait WSClient[F]

Value members

Abstract methods

Establish a "high level" websocket connection. You only get to handle Text and Binary frames. Pongs will be replied automatically. Received frames are grouped by the last attribute. The connection will be closed automatically.

Establish a "high level" websocket connection. You only get to handle Text and Binary frames. Pongs will be replied automatically. Received frames are grouped by the last attribute. The connection will be closed automatically.

Concrete methods

def mapK[G[_]](fk: FunctionK[F, G])(implicit F: MonadCancel[F, _], G: MonadCancel[G, _]): WSClientHighLevel[G]