
@implicitNotFound("Cannot convert from ${A} to an Entity, because no EntityEncoder[${F}, ${A}] instance could be found.")
trait EntityEncoder[+F[_], A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Implicitly added by streamEncoder

Headers that may be added to a Message

Headers that may be added to a Message

Examples of such headers would be Content-Type. NOTE: The Content-Length header will be generated from the resulting Entity and thus should not be added.

Headers that may be added to a Message

Headers that may be added to a Message

Examples of such headers would be Content-Type. NOTE: The Content-Length header will be generated from the resulting Entity and thus should not be added.

def toEntity(a: A): Entity[F]
Implicitly added by streamEncoder

Convert the type A to an Entity in the effect type F

Convert the type A to an Entity in the effect type F

def toEntity(a: A): Entity[F]

Convert the type A to an Entity in the effect type F

Convert the type A to an Entity in the effect type F

Concrete methods

Implicitly added by streamEncoder

Get the Charset of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Get the Charset of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Get the Charset of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Get the Charset of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Implicitly added by streamEncoder

Get the org.http4s.headers.Content-Type of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Get the org.http4s.headers.Content-Type of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Get the org.http4s.headers.Content-Type of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

Get the org.http4s.headers.Content-Type of the body encoded by this EntityEncoder, if defined the headers

def contramap[B](f: B => A): EntityEncoder[F, B]
Implicitly added by streamEncoder

Make a new EntityEncoder using this type as a foundation

Make a new EntityEncoder using this type as a foundation

def contramap[B](f: B => A): EntityEncoder[F, B]

Make a new EntityEncoder using this type as a foundation

Make a new EntityEncoder using this type as a foundation

Implicitly added by streamEncoder

Generate a new EntityEncoder that will contain the Content-Type header

Generate a new EntityEncoder that will contain the Content-Type header

Generate a new EntityEncoder that will contain the Content-Type header

Generate a new EntityEncoder that will contain the Content-Type header