



package dropwizard

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dropwizard
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def metricRegistryEncoder[F[_]](mapper: ObjectMapper = defaultMapper)(implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): EntityEncoder[F, MetricRegistry]

    Encodes a metric registry in JSON format

  2. def metricsResponse[F[_]](registry: MetricRegistry, mapper: ObjectMapper = defaultMapper)(implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): F[Response[F]]

    Returns an OK response with a JSON dump of a MetricRegistry

  3. def metricsService[F[_]](registry: MetricRegistry, mapper: ObjectMapper = defaultMapper)(implicit arg0: Sync[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

    Returns an OK response with a JSON dump of a MetricRegistry

  4. object Dropwizard

    MetricsOps algebra capable of recording Dropwizard metrics

    MetricsOps algebra capable of recording Dropwizard metrics

    For example, the following code would wrap a org.http4s.HttpRoutes with a org.http4s.server.middleware.Metrics that records metrics to a given metric registry.

    import org.http4s.client.middleware.Metrics
    import org.http4s.client.dropwizard.Dropwizard
    val meteredRoutes = Metrics[IO](Dropwizard(registry, "server"))(testRoutes)

    Analogously, the following code would wrap a org.http4s.client.Client with a org.http4s.client.middleware.Metrics that records metrics to a given Metric Registry, classifying the metrics by HTTP method.

    import org.http4s.client.metrics.core.Metrics
    import org.http4s.client.metrics.dropwizard.Dropwizard
    val classifierFunc = (r: Request[IO]) => Some(r.method.toString.toLowerCase)
    val meteredClient = Metrics(Dropwizard(registry, "client"), classifierFunc)(client)

    Registers the following metrics:

    {prefix}.{classifier}.active.requests - Counter {prefix}.{classifier}.requests.headers - Timer {prefix}.{classifier} - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.get-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.post-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.put-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.head-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.move-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.options-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.trace-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.connect-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.delete-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.other-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.1xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.2xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.3xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.4xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.5xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.errors - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.timeouts - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.abnormal-terminations - Timer

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
