
abstract class MatrixVar[F[_]](name: String, domain: F[String])(`evidence$1`: Foldable[F])

Matrix path variable extractor For an example see MatrixURIs This is useful for representing a resource that may be addressed in multiple dimensions where order is unimportant

Matrix path variable extractor For an example see MatrixURIs This is useful for representing a resource that may be addressed in multiple dimensions where order is unimportant

  object BoardVar extends MatrixVar("square", List("x", "y"))
  Path("/board/square;x=5;y=3") match {
    case Root / "board" / BoardVar(IntVar(x), IntVar(y)) => ...
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def unapplySeq(str: String): Option[Seq[String]]