- Source:
- Http4sDsl.scala
trait RequestDslBinCompat
trait Http4sDsl[F]
trait Statuses
trait RequestDsl
trait Auth
trait Methods
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object io.type
Type members
Inherited classlikes
Inherited types
Value members
Inherited fields
Alias for ->
Alias for ->
Note: Due to infix operation precedence, →
has a lower priority than /
. So you have to use parentheses in
pattern matching when using this operator.
For example:
(request.method, Path(request.path)) match {
case Method.GET → (Root / "test.json") => ...
- Inherited from:
- Http4sDsl2
- Source:
- Http4sDsl.scala
Inherited implicits
implicit def http4sNetworkAuthenticationRequiredSyntax(status: Status): NetworkAuthenticationRequiredOps[F, F]
- Inherited from:
- Responses
- Source:
- Responses.scala
implicit def http4sNonAuthoritativeInformationSyntax(status: Status): NonAuthoritativeInformationOps[F, F]
- Inherited from:
- Responses
- Source:
- Responses.scala
implicit def http4sProxyAuthenticationRequiredSyntax(status: Status): ProxyAuthenticationRequiredOps[F, F]
- Inherited from:
- Responses
- Source:
- Responses.scala
implicit def http4sRequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeSyntax(status: Status): RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeOps[F, F]
- Inherited from:
- Responses
- Source:
- Responses.scala