
trait WSConnection[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def receive: F[Option[WSFrame]]

Wait for a single websocket frame to be received. Returns None if the receiving side is closed.

Wait for a single websocket frame to be received. Returns None if the receiving side is closed.

def send(wsf: WSFrame): F[Unit]

Send a single websocket frame. The sending side of this connection has to be open.

Send a single websocket frame. The sending side of this connection has to be open.

def sendMany[G[_], A <: WSFrame](wsfs: G[A])(`evidence$1`: Foldable[G]): F[Unit]

Send multiple websocket frames. Equivalent to multiple send calls, but at least as fast.

Send multiple websocket frames. Equivalent to multiple send calls, but at least as fast.

def subprotocol: Option[String]

The negotiated subprotocol, if any.

The negotiated subprotocol, if any.

Concrete methods

final def receiveStream: Stream[F, WSFrame]

A stream of the incoming websocket frames.

A stream of the incoming websocket frames.

final def sendPipe: (F, WSFrame) => Unit

A Pipe which sends websocket frames and emits a () for each chunk sent.

A Pipe which sends websocket frames and emits a () for each chunk sent.