package bits

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class BooleanParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Boolean]
  2. class DateParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Date]
  3. class DoubleParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Double]
  4. abstract class EmptyResponseGenerator[F[_]] extends ResponseGenerator
  5. abstract class EntityResponseGenerator[F[_]] extends ResponseGenerator
  6. final case class FailureResponse[F[_]](reason: ResponseReason[F]) extends ResultResponse[F, Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Response that signifies an error

    Response that signifies an error


    The reason for failure which can be turned into a F[Response[F]].

  7. trait FailureResponseOps[F[_]] extends ResponseGeneratorInstances[F]
  8. class FloatParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Float]
  9. trait HListToFunc[F[_], T <: HList, -U] extends AnyRef

    Converter of an value of type F to the HList of type T

    Converter of an value of type F to the HList of type T


    HList type of the incoming values


    type of element onto which T will be mapped

  10. trait HeaderAppendable[F[_], T <: HList] extends AnyRef

    Base trait which is capable of appending header rules

    Base trait which is capable of appending header rules


    The HList representation of the values to be extracted from the Request.

  11. case class HeaderMetaData[T <: Extractable](key: T, isRequired: Boolean) extends Metadata with Product with Serializable

    Metadata about a header rule

  12. class InstantParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Instant]
  13. class IntParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Int]
  14. abstract class LocationResponseGenerator[F[_]] extends ResponseGenerator
  15. class LongParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Long]
  16. trait MatchersHListToFunc[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  17. trait Metadata extends AnyRef

    Base type for data that can be used to decorate the rules trees

    Base type for data that can be used to decorate the rules trees

    Metadata is not directly useful for evaluating a request or for generating HTTP responses; it is primarily used for storing data to auto generate information about a route or service.

  18. trait MethodAliases extends AnyRef
  19. case class NoMatch[F[_]]() extends RouteResult[F, Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Failure to match a route

  20. case class QueryMetaData[F[_], T](name: String, description: Option[String], p: QueryParser[F, T], default: Option[T], m: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T]) extends Metadata with Product with Serializable

    Metadata about a query rule

  21. trait QueryParser[F[_], A] extends AnyRef

    Extract a value from the Request Query

    Extract a value from the Request Query


    Type of value produced by the parser.

  22. trait QueryParsers[F[_]] extends FailureResponseOps[F]
  23. sealed trait ResponseGenerator extends AnyRef

    Helpers to aid in the construction of a response function

    Helpers to aid in the construction of a response function

    These helpers provide the foundation for the response generation in the rho DSL. They require the needed codecs and generate a response with the correct meta data.

    { req => Ok("foo!") }
  24. trait ResponseGeneratorInstances[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  25. final class ResponseReason[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Concrete representation of the FailureResponse

  26. sealed trait ResultInfo extends AnyRef

    Information about the response type

  27. trait ResultMatcher[F[_], -R] extends AnyRef
  28. trait ResultMatcherOps extends AnyRef
  29. sealed trait ResultResponse[F[_], +T] extends RouteResult[F, T]

    Node in the ADT that represents a result, either success or failure

  30. sealed trait RouteResult[F[_], +T] extends AnyRef

    Types that represent the result of executing a step of the route

  31. trait SecurityScopesMetaData extends Metadata

    Security Scope meta data

  32. class ShortParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, Short]
  33. case class StatusAndType(status: Status, tpe: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.Type) extends ResultInfo with Product with Serializable
  34. case class StatusOnly(status: Status) extends ResultInfo with Product with Serializable
  35. trait StringParser[F[_], T] extends ResponseGeneratorInstances[F]

    Parse values from a String

    Parse values from a String


    The result type generated by the parser.

  36. final case class SuccessResponse[F[_], +T](result: T) extends ResultResponse[F, T] with Product with Serializable

    Successful response

  37. trait TextMetaData extends Metadata

    Textual meta data

  38. case class TypeOnly(tpe: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.Type) extends ResultInfo with Product with Serializable
  39. final case class TypedHeader[F[_], T <: HList](rule: RequestRule[F]) extends Product with Serializable

    Typed shell for the Header operations of the DSL

  40. final case class TypedQuery[F[_], T <: HList](rule: RequestRule[F]) extends UriConvertible[F] with Product with Serializable

    Typed shell for the Query operations of the DSL

  41. class UUIDParser[F[_]] extends StringParser[F, UUID]

Value Members

  1. object FailureResponse extends Serializable
  2. object FailureResponseOps
  3. object MethodAliases extends MethodAliases
  4. object PathAST

    Actual elements which build up the AST

  5. object PathTree
  6. object QueryParser
  7. object RequestAST

    Rules for extracting non-path related data from the Request

    Rules for extracting non-path related data from the Request

    This AST is subject to change.

  8. object ResultMatcher extends ResultMatcherOps
  9. object StringParser
  10. object TypedQuery extends Serializable
  11. object UriConverter

    Helps to convert different parts of a route into an UriTemplate
