Class FileTransferManager

  • public final class FileTransferManager
    extends org.jivesoftware.smack.Manager
    The file transfer manager class handles the sending and receiving of files. To send a file invoke the createOutgoingFileTransfer(EntityFullJid) method.

    And to receive a file add a file transfer listener to the manager. The listener will notify you when there is a new file transfer request. To create the IncomingFileTransfer object accept the transfer, or, if the transfer is not desirable reject it.

    • Method Detail

      • getInstanceFor

        public static FileTransferManager getInstanceFor​(org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection connection)
      • removeFileTransferListener

        public void removeFileTransferListener​(FileTransferListener li)
        Removes a file transfer listener.
        li - TODO javadoc me please The file transfer listener to be removed
        See Also:
      • createOutgoingFileTransfer

        public OutgoingFileTransfer createOutgoingFileTransfer​(org.jxmpp.jid.EntityFullJid userID)
        Creates an OutgoingFileTransfer to send a file to another user.
        userID - TODO javadoc me please The fully qualified jabber ID (i.e. full JID) with resource of the user to send the file to.
        The send file object on which the negotiated transfer can be run.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if userID is null or not a full JID
      • createIncomingFileTransfer

        protected IncomingFileTransfer createIncomingFileTransfer​(FileTransferRequest request)
        When the file transfer request is acceptable, this method should be invoked. It will create an IncomingFileTransfer which allows the transmission of the file to proceed.
        request - TODO javadoc me please The remote request that is being accepted.
        The IncomingFileTransfer which manages the download of the file from the transfer initiator.
      • rejectIncomingFileTransfer

        protected void rejectIncomingFileTransfer​(FileTransferRequest request)
                                           throws org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NotConnectedException,
        Reject an incoming file transfer.

        Specified in XEP-95 4.2 and 3.2 Example 8

        request - TODO javadoc me please
        org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackException.NotConnectedException - if the XMPP connection is not connected.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the calling thread was interrupted.