Class ItemPublishEvent<T extends Item>

  • public class ItemPublishEvent<T extends Item>
    extends SubscriptionEvent
    Represents an event generated by an item(s) being published to a node.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ItemPublishEvent​(java.lang.String nodeId, java.util.List<T> eventItems)
      Constructs an ItemPublishEvent with the provided list of Item that were published.
      ItemPublishEvent​(java.lang.String nodeId, java.util.List<T> eventItems, java.util.List<java.lang.String> subscriptionIds)
      Constructs an ItemPublishEvent with the provided list of Item that were published.
      ItemPublishEvent​(java.lang.String nodeId, java.util.List<T> eventItems, java.util.List<java.lang.String> subscriptionIds, java.util.Date publishedDate)
      Constructs an ItemPublishEvent with the provided list of Item that were published in the past.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ItemPublishEvent

        public ItemPublishEvent​(java.lang.String nodeId,
                                java.util.List<T> eventItems)
        Constructs an ItemPublishEvent with the provided list of Item that were published.
        nodeId - The id of the node the event came from
        eventItems - The list of Item that were published
      • ItemPublishEvent

        public ItemPublishEvent​(java.lang.String nodeId,
                                java.util.List<T> eventItems,
                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> subscriptionIds)
        Constructs an ItemPublishEvent with the provided list of Item that were published. The list of subscription ids represents the subscriptions that matched the event, in the case of the user having multiple subscriptions.
        nodeId - The id of the node the event came from
        eventItems - The list of Item that were published
        subscriptionIds - The list of subscriptionIds
      • ItemPublishEvent

        public ItemPublishEvent​(java.lang.String nodeId,
                                java.util.List<T> eventItems,
                                java.util.List<java.lang.String> subscriptionIds,
                                java.util.Date publishedDate)
        Constructs an ItemPublishEvent with the provided list of Item that were published in the past. The published date signifies that this is delayed event. The list of subscription ids represents the subscriptions that matched the event, in the case of the user having multiple subscriptions.
        nodeId - The id of the node the event came from
        eventItems - The list of Item that were published
        subscriptionIds - The list of subscriptionIds
        publishedDate - date of publication.
    • Method Detail

      • getItems

        public java.util.List<T> getItems()
        Get the list of Item that were published.
        The list of published Item
      • isDelayed

        public boolean isDelayed()
        Indicates whether this event was delayed. That is, the items were published to the node at some time in the past. This will typically happen if there is an item already published to the node before a user subscribes to it. In this case, when the user subscribes, the server may send the last item published to the node with a delay date showing its time of original publication.
        true if the items are delayed, false otherwise.
      • getPublishedDate

        public java.util.Date getPublishedDate()
        Gets the original date the items were published. This is only valid if isDelayed() is true.
        date of publication.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object