Interface EnumMarshaller<E extends Enum<E>>

All Superinterfaces:

public interface EnumMarshaller<E extends Enum<E>> extends BaseMarshaller<E>
Contract to be implemented by marshallers of Enum types. Translates a Java enum into an int value that is suitable for serializing with Protobuf. The returned integer value must be one of the values defined in the .proto schema file. The marshaller implementation must be stateless and thread-safe.
[email protected]
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    decode(int enumValue)
    Decodes an integer enum value read from a Protobuf encoded stream into a Java enum instance.
    encode(E e)
    Encodes a Java Enum into its corresponding Protobuf numeric value.

    Methods inherited from interface org.infinispan.protostream.BaseMarshaller

    getJavaClass, getTypeName
  • Method Details

    • decode

      E decode(int enumValue)
      Decodes an integer enum value read from a Protobuf encoded stream into a Java enum instance.

      If the numeric value is not recognized the method must return null to signal this to the library and allow the unrecognized data to be preserved. No exception should be thrown in this case.

      enumValue - the Protobuf enum value to decode
      a Java Enum instance if the value is recognized or null otherwise.
    • encode

      int encode(E e) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Encodes a Java Enum into its corresponding Protobuf numeric value.
      e - an Enum instance
      the corresponding numeric value from the Protobuf definition of the enum.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given Enum argument is of an unexpected type or its value has no correspondence to a Protobuf enum value (this is a programming error, not a schema evolution issue).