Class DefaultTimeService

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultTimeService

        public DefaultTimeService()
    • Method Detail

      • wallClockTime

        public long wallClockTime()
        Specified by:
        wallClockTime in interface TimeService
        the current clock time in milliseconds. Note that it depends of the system time.
      • time

        public long time()
        Specified by:
        time in interface TimeService
        the current cpu time in nanoseconds. Note that some platforms do not provide nanosecond precision.
      • timeDuration

        public long timeDuration​(long startTimeNanos,
                                 TimeUnit outputTimeUnit)
        Description copied from interface: TimeService
        It is equivalent to timeDuration(startTime, time(), outputTimeUnit).
        Specified by:
        timeDuration in interface TimeService
        startTimeNanos - start cpu time in nanoseconds, usually returned by TimeService.time().
        outputTimeUnit - the TimeUnit of the returned value.
        the duration between the current cpu time and startTime. It returns zero if startTime is less than zero or if startTime is greater than the current cpu time.
      • timeDuration

        public long timeDuration​(long startTimeNanos,
                                 long endTimeNanos,
                                 TimeUnit outputTimeUnit)
        Specified by:
        timeDuration in interface TimeService
        startTimeNanos - start cpu time in nanoseconds, usually returned by TimeService.time().
        endTimeNanos - end cpu time in nanoseconds, usually returned by TimeService.time().
        outputTimeUnit - the TimeUnit of the returned value.
        the duration between the endTime and startTime. It returns zero if startTime or endTime are less than zero or if startTime is greater than the endTime.
      • isTimeExpired

        public boolean isTimeExpired​(long endTimeNanos)
        Specified by:
        isTimeExpired in interface TimeService
        endTimeNanos - a cpu time in nanoseconds, usually returned by TimeService.time()
        true if the endTime is less or equals than the current cpu time.
      • remainingTime

        public long remainingTime​(long endTimeNanos,
                                  TimeUnit outputTimeUnit)
        Specified by:
        remainingTime in interface TimeService
        endTimeNanos - the end cpu time in nanoseconds.
        outputTimeUnit - the TimeUnit of the returned value.
        the remaining cpu time until the endTime is reached.
      • expectedEndTime

        public long expectedEndTime​(long duration,
                                    TimeUnit inputTimeUnit)
        Specified by:
        expectedEndTime in interface TimeService
        duration - the duration.
        inputTimeUnit - the TimeUnit of the duration.
        the expected end time in nano seconds. If duration is less or equals to zero, the current cpu time is returned (TimeService.time()).