Interface ByteBuffer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ByteBuffer
    A byte buffer that exposes the internal byte array with minimal copying. To be instantiated with ByteBufferFactory.
    Mircea Markus
    • Method Detail

      • getBuf

        byte[] getBuf()
        Returns the underlying buffer.
      • getOffset

        int getOffset()
        Returns the offset within the underlying byte[] (as returned by getBuf() owned by this buffer instance.
      • getLength

        int getLength()
        Length bytes, starting from offset, within the underlying byte[] (as returned by getBuf() are owned by this buffer instance.
      • copy

        ByteBuffer copy()
        Returns a new byte[] instance of size getLength() that contains all the bytes owned by this buffer.
      • trim

        default byte[] trim()
        Returns a trimmed byte array.

        The returned byte array should not be modified. A copy is not guaranteed.

        It does not copy the byte array if getOffset() is zero and getLength() is equals to the underlying byte array length.

        A trimmed byte array.