Class InstancioApiImpl<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • InstancioApiImpl

        public InstancioApiImpl​(Class<T> klass)
      • InstancioApiImpl

        public InstancioApiImpl​(Model<T> model)
    • Method Detail

      • addTypeParameters

        protected void addTypeParameters​(Class<?>... type)
      • ignore

        public InstancioApi<T> ignore​(Binding binding)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Specifies that a class or field should be ignored.


             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                     .ignore(field("pets"))  // Person.pets field
                     .ignore(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers")) // Address.phoneNumbers field

        will create a fully populated person, but will ignore the address field and all string fields.

        Specified by:
        ignore in interface InstancioApi<T>
        binding - to ignore
        API builder reference
      • withNullable

        public InstancioApi<T> withNullable​(Binding target)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Specifies that a field or class is nullable. By default, Instancio assigns non-null values. If marked as nullable, Instancio will randomly assign either a null or non-null value to fields of this type.


             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
        Specified by:
        withNullable in interface InstancioApi<T>
        target - that is nullable
        API builder reference
      • supply

        public <V> InstancioApi<T> supply​(Binding binding,
                                          Generator<V> generator)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Supplies a value for a field or class using a custom generator.


             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                     .supply(all(LocalDateTime.class), () -> // set all dates to current time
                     .supply(field("fullName"), () -> "Homer Simpson") // set Person.fullName
                     .supply(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers"), () -> List.of( // set Address.phoneNumbers
                         new PhoneNumber("+1", "123-45-67"),
                         new PhoneNumber("+1", "345-67-89")))

        Note: when a custom generator is supplied for a complex type like PhoneNumber in the above example, Instancio will not modify the created instance in any way. If the PhoneNumber class has other fields, they will be ignored.

        Specified by:
        supply in interface InstancioApi<T>
        Type Parameters:
        V - type of the value to generate
        binding - binding
        generator - for supplying the target's value
        API builder reference
      • generate

        public <V,​S extends GeneratorSpec<V>> InstancioApi<T> generate​(Binding target,
                                                                             Function<Generators,​S> gen)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Supplies a random value for a field or class using a built-in generator.


             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                     .generate(field("age"), gen -> gen.ints().min(18).max(100))
                     .generate(field("name"), gen -> gen.string().min(5).allowEmpty())
                     .generate(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers"), gen -> gen.collection().minSize(5))
                     .generate(field(Address.class, "city"), gen -> gen.oneOf("Burnaby", "Vancouver", "Richmond"))
        Specified by:
        generate in interface InstancioApi<T>
        Type Parameters:
        V - type of the value to generate
        S - generator spec type
        target - binding
        gen - provider of built-in generators
        API builder reference
      • onComplete

        public <V> InstancioApi<T> onComplete​(Binding target,
                                              OnCompleteCallback<V> callback)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        A callback that gets invoked after an object has been fully populated.


             // Sets countryCode field on all instances of Phone to the specified value
             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                     .onComplete(all(Phone.class), (Phone phone) -> phone.setCountryCode("+1"))
        Specified by:
        onComplete in interface InstancioApi<T>
        Type Parameters:
        V - type of object handled by the callback
        target - binding
        callback - to invoke after object has been populated
        API builder reference
      • map

        public InstancioApi<T> map​(Class<?> baseClass,
                                   Class<?> subClass)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Maps an interface or base class to the given subclass. The subClass must either extend or implement the baseClass.

        For example, by default Instancio will assign an ArrayList to a List field. If an alternative implementation is required, this method allows to specify it:

             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                     .map(List.class, Vector.class)

        will assign all Lists to Vectors.

        Specified by:
        map in interface InstancioApi<T>
        baseClass - interface or base class
        subClass - subtype of the baseClass
        API builder reference
      • withSettings

        public InstancioApi<T> withSettings​(Settings settings)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Override default settings for generated values. Settings include collection sizes, string lengths, numeric ranges, etc.
        Specified by:
        withSettings in interface InstancioApi<T>
        settings - to use
        API builder reference
      • withSeed

        public InstancioApi<T> withSeed​(int seed)
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Set the seed value for the random number generator. If seed is not specified, a random seed will be used. Specifying a seed is useful for reproducing test results. By specifying the seed value, the same random data will be generated again.


             // Generates a different UUID each time
             UUID result = Instancio.of(UUID.class).create();
             // Generates the same UUID
             UUID result = Instancio.of(UUID.class)
        Specified by:
        withSeed in interface InstancioApi<T>
        seed - for the random number generator
        API builder reference
      • toModel

        public Model<T> toModel()
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Creates a model containing all the information for populating a class.

        The model can be useful when class population needs to be customised and the customisations need to be re-used in different parts of the code.


             Model<Person> personModel = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                     .supply(field("fullName"), () -> "Jane Doe")
             // Re-use the model to create instances of Person class
             // without duplicating the model's details
             Person person = Instancio.of(personModel).create();

        Since the internal data of the model is not part of the public API, the Model interface does not contain any methods.

        Specified by:
        toModel in interface InstancioApi<T>
        a model containing all the details
      • create

        public T create()
        Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
        Creates a new instance of a class and populates it with data.


             Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class).create();

        The returned object will have all its fields populated with random data, including collection and array fields.

        Specified by:
        create in interface InstancioApi<T>
        a fully populated object