Class InstancioApiImpl<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class InstancioApiImpl<T> extends Object implements InstancioApi<T>
  • Constructor Details

    • InstancioApiImpl

      public InstancioApiImpl(Class<T> klass)
    • InstancioApiImpl

      public InstancioApiImpl(TypeTokenSupplier<T> typeToken)
    • InstancioApiImpl

      public InstancioApiImpl(Model<T> model)
  • Method Details

    • addTypeParameters

      protected void addTypeParameters(Class<?>... type)
    • ignore

      public InstancioApi<T> ignore(Binding binding)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Specifies that a class or field should be ignored.


           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .ignore(field("pets"))  // Person.pets field
                   .ignore(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers")) // Address.phoneNumbers field

      will create a fully populated person, but will ignore the address field and all string fields.

      Specified by:
      ignore in interface InstancioApi<T>
      binding - to ignore
      API builder reference
    • withNullable

      public InstancioApi<T> withNullable(Binding target)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Specifies that a field or class is nullable. By default, Instancio assigns non-null values. If marked as nullable, Instancio will randomly assign either a null or non-null value to fields of this type.


           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
      Specified by:
      withNullable in interface InstancioApi<T>
      target - that is nullable
      API builder reference
    • supply

      public <V> InstancioApi<T> supply(Binding binding, Generator<V> generator)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Supplies a randomised value for a field or class using a custom Generator.


           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .supply(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers"), random -> List.of(
                           // Generate phone numbers with a random country code, either US or Mexico
                           new PhoneNumber(random.from("+1", "+52"), "123-55-66"),
                           new PhoneNumber(random.from("+1", "+52"), "123-77-88")))

      Note: Instancio will not modify the supplied instance in any way. If the PhoneNumber class has other fields, they will be ignored.

      Specified by:
      supply in interface InstancioApi<T>
      Type Parameters:
      V - type of the value to generate
      binding - binding
      generator - for supplying the target's value
      API builder reference
    • supply

      public <V> InstancioApi<T> supply(Binding binding, Supplier<V> supplier)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Supplies a non-random value for a field or class using a Supplier.


           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .supply(all(LocalDateTime.class), () -> // set all dates to current time
                   .supply(field("fullName"), () -> "Homer Simpson") // set Person.fullName
                   .supply(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers"), () -> List.of( // set Address.phoneNumbers
                       new PhoneNumber("+1", "123-45-67"),
                       new PhoneNumber("+1", "345-67-89")))

      Note: Instancio will not modify the supplied instance in any way. If the PhoneNumber class has other fields, they will be ignored.

      For supplying random values, see, Generator).

      Specified by:
      supply in interface InstancioApi<T>
      Type Parameters:
      V - type of the value to generate
      binding - binding
      supplier - for the target's value
      API builder reference
      See Also:
    • generate

      public <V, S extends GeneratorSpec<V>> InstancioApi<T> generate(Binding target, Function<Generators,S> gen)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Generates a random value for a field or class using a built-in generator.


           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .generate(field("age"), gen -> gen.ints().min(18).max(100))
                   .generate(field("name"), gen -> gen.string().min(5).allowEmpty())
                   .generate(field(Address.class, "phoneNumbers"), gen -> gen.collection().minSize(5))
                   .generate(field(Address.class, "city"), gen -> gen.oneOf("Burnaby", "Vancouver", "Richmond"))
      Specified by:
      generate in interface InstancioApi<T>
      Type Parameters:
      V - type of the value to generate
      S - generator spec type
      target - binding
      gen - provider of built-in generators
      API builder reference
    • onComplete

      public <V> InstancioApi<T> onComplete(Binding target, OnCompleteCallback<V> callback)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      A callback that gets invoked after an object has been fully populated.


           // Sets countryCode field on all instances of Phone to the specified value
           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .onComplete(all(Phone.class), (Phone phone) -> phone.setCountryCode("+1"))
      Specified by:
      onComplete in interface InstancioApi<T>
      Type Parameters:
      V - type of object handled by the callback
      target - binding
      callback - to invoke after object has been populated
      API builder reference
    • map

      public InstancioApi<T> map(Binding binding, Class<?> subtype)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Maps target field or class to the given subtype.

      For example, by default Instancio will assign an ArrayList to a List field. If an alternative implementation is required, this method allows to specify it:

           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .map(all(List.class), Vector.class)

      will assign all Lists to Vectors.

      Specified by:
      map in interface InstancioApi<T>
      binding - binding
      subtype - of the type target binding
      API builder reference
    • withSettings

      public InstancioApi<T> withSettings(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Override default settings for generated values. Settings include collection sizes, string lengths, numeric ranges, etc.
      Specified by:
      withSettings in interface InstancioApi<T>
      settings - to use
      API builder reference
    • withSeed

      public InstancioApi<T> withSeed(int seed)
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Set the seed value for the random number generator. If seed is not specified, a random seed will be used. Specifying a seed is useful for reproducing test results. By specifying the seed value, the same random data will be generated again.


           // Generates a different UUID each time
           UUID result = Instancio.of(UUID.class).create();
           // Generates the same UUID
           UUID result = Instancio.of(UUID.class)
      Specified by:
      withSeed in interface InstancioApi<T>
      seed - for the random number generator
      API builder reference
    • toModel

      public Model<T> toModel()
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Creates a model containing all the information for populating a class.

      The model can be useful when class population needs to be customised and the customisations need to be re-used in different parts of the code.


           Model<Person> personModel = Instancio.of(Person.class)
                   .supply(field("fullName"), () -> "Jane Doe")
           // Re-use the model to create instances of Person class
           // without duplicating the model's details
           Person person = Instancio.of(personModel).create();

      Since the internal data of the model is not part of the public API, the Model interface does not contain any methods.

      Specified by:
      toModel in interface InstancioApi<T>
      a model containing all the details
    • create

      public T create()
      Description copied from interface: InstancioApi
      Creates a new instance of a class and populates it with data.


           Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class).create();

      The returned object will have all its fields populated with random data, including collection and array fields.

      Specified by:
      create in interface InstancioApi<T>
      a fully populated object