Class Node


public final class Node extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getNodeKind

      public NodeKind getNodeKind()
    • is

      public boolean is(NodeKind nodeKind)
    • toBuilder

      public Node.Builder toBuilder()
    • builder

      public static Node.Builder builder()
    • getNodeContext

      public NodeContext getNodeContext()
    • getType

      public Type getType()
      Returns the type represented by this node, either a Class or ParameterizedType.
      type represented by this node
    • getRawType

      public Class<?> getRawType()
      Returns the raw type equivalent to this node's getType(). In the absence of subtype mapping, this method and getTargetClass() return the same value.
      raw type represented by this node.
      See Also:
    • getTargetClass

      public Class<?> getTargetClass()
      Returns the target class represented by this node.
      target class represented by this node
      See Also:
    • getField

      public Field getField()
      Returns a field associated with this node, or null if none.
      field, if present, or null
    • getParent

      public Node getParent()
    • getTypeMap

      public TypeMap getTypeMap()
    • getOnlyChild

      public Node getOnlyChild()
    • getChildren

      public List<Node> getChildren()
      Returns this node's children. For "container" nodes like arrays, collections, and maps, the children will be nodes representing array/collection element or map key/value. For other nodes, the children are based on the getTargetClass() fields.

      A node (including container nodes) may not have children in case of cyclic relationships. An empty list would be returned to break the cycle.

      this node's children or an empty list if none
    • setChildren

      public void setChildren(List<Node> children)
    • hasAncestorEqualToSelf

      public boolean hasAncestorEqualToSelf()
      This method is used for detecting cycles. If this node is equal to any of its ancestors, then there is a cycle.
      true if this node has an ancestor equal to it, false otherwise.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • getNodeName

      public String getNodeName()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object