Interface Settings

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Settings
This class provides an API for updating settings programmatically. An instance of this class can be created using one of the static methods below. Instances of this class can be shared when creating different objects.
  • create() - returns a new instance of blank settings
  • defaults() - returns a new instance containing default settings

Out of the box, Instancio uses default settings as returned by defaults(). Defaults can be overridden either globally using a configuration file, or per-object using the API, for example:

     // Create a blank instance of settings and set the overrides
     Settings settings = Settings.create()
         .set(Keys.COLLECTION_MIN_SIZE, 50)
         .set(Keys.COLLECTION_MAX_SIZE, 100);

     // Pass the overrides when creating an object
     Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)

For information on how to override settings globally using a configuration file, please refer to the user guide.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Settings
    Creates a new instance of empty settings.
    static Settings
    Creates a new instance containing default settings.
    static Settings
    from(@NotNull Map<Object,Object> map)
    Create settings from the given map.
    static Settings
    from(@NotNull Settings other)
    Create settings from the given settings.
    <T> T
    get(@NotNull SettingKey key)
    Get setting value for given key.
    Returns a read-only view of the subtype map.
    Locks these settings for further modifications, making this instance immutable.
    mapType(@NotNull Class<?> from, @NotNull Class<?> to)
    Map 'from' supertype to 'to' subtype.
    merge(@NotNull Settings other)
    Creates a new instance of settings by merging given settings with these settings.
    set(@NotNull SettingKey key, @Nullable Object value)
    Set the setting with the given key to the specified value.
  • Method Details

    • create

      static Settings create()
      Creates a new instance of empty settings.
      empty settings
    • defaults

      static Settings defaults()
      Creates a new instance containing default settings.
      settings containing defaults
    • from

      static Settings from(@NotNull @NotNull Map<Object,Object> map)
      Create settings from the given map.
      map - to create settings from
    • from

      static Settings from(@NotNull @NotNull Settings other)
      Create settings from the given settings.
      other - settings to create settings from
      a new instance of settings
    • merge

      Settings merge(@NotNull @NotNull Settings other)
      Creates a new instance of settings by merging given settings with these settings.
      other - settings to merge
      new instance of merged settings
    • get

      <T> T get(@NotNull @NotNull SettingKey key)
      Get setting value for given key.
      Type Parameters:
      T - setting value type
      key - setting key
      value for given key, or null if none.
    • set

      Settings set(@NotNull @NotNull SettingKey key, @Nullable @Nullable Object value)
      Set the setting with the given key to the specified value.

      Note: when updating range settings (such as Keys.COLLECTION_MIN_SIZE and Keys.COLLECTION_MAX_SIZE), range bounds are auto-adjusted by Constants.RANGE_ADJUSTMENT_PERCENTAGE if the new minimum is higher than the current maximum, and vice versa.

      key - to set
      value - to set
      updated settings
    • mapType

      Settings mapType(@NotNull @NotNull Class<?> from, @NotNull @NotNull Class<?> to)
      Map 'from' supertype to 'to' subtype.
      from - supertype class
      to - subtype class
      updated settings
    • getSubtypeMap

      Map<Class<?>,Class<?>> getSubtypeMap()
      Returns a read-only view of the subtype map.
      subtype map
    • lock

      Settings lock()
      Locks these settings for further modifications, making this instance immutable.
      read-only settings