Interface TableGeneratorSpec<R,C,V>

Type Parameters:
R - the type of the table row keys
C - the type of the table column keys
V - the type of the mapped values
All Superinterfaces:
org.instancio.generator.GeneratorSpec<<R,C,V>>, org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec<<R,C,V>>

@ExperimentalApi public interface TableGeneratorSpec<R,C,V> extends org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec<<R,C,V>>
Generator spec for Tables.
  • Method Details

    • size

      TableGeneratorSpec<R,C,V> size(int size)
      Specified by:
      size in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec<R>
    • minSize

      TableGeneratorSpec<R,C,V> minSize(int size)
      Specified by:
      minSize in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec<R>
    • maxSize

      TableGeneratorSpec<R,C,V> maxSize(int size)
      Specified by:
      maxSize in interface org.instancio.generator.specs.SizeGeneratorSpec<R>