Interface VoiceChannel

    • Method Detail

      • canConnect

        default boolean canConnect​(User user)
        Checks if the given user can connect to the voice channel. In private channels this always returns true if the user is part of the chat.
        user - The user to check.
        Whether the given user can connect or not.
      • canYouConnect

        default boolean canYouConnect()
        Checks if the user of the connected account can connect to the voice channel. In private channels this always returns true if the user is part of the chat.
        Whether the user of the connected account can connect or not.
      • canMuteUsers

        default boolean canMuteUsers​(User user)
        Checks if the given user can mute other users in this voice channel. In private channels this always returns false.
        user - The user to check.
        Whether the given user can mute other users or not.
      • canYouMuteUsers

        default boolean canYouMuteUsers()
        Checks if the user of the connected account can mute other users in this voice channel. In private channels this always returns false.
        Whether the user of the connected account can mute other users or not.
      • getCurrentCachedInstance

        default java.util.Optional<? extends VoiceChannel> getCurrentCachedInstance()
        Description copied from interface: UpdatableFromCache
        Gets an updated instance of this entity from the cache. This is for example necessary if an instance got invalid by a reconnect to Discord which invalidates all existing instances which means they do not get any further updates from Discord applied. Due to that, references to instances should usually not be held for an extended period of time. If they are, this method can be used to retrieve the current instance from the cache, that gets updates from Discord, in case this one was invalidated.

        This method returns the currently cached entity, or an empty Optional if the entity is not cached any longer, for example because it was deleted or the message was thrown out of the cache.

        Specified by:
        getCurrentCachedInstance in interface Channel
        Specified by:
        getCurrentCachedInstance in interface UpdatableFromCache
        The current cached instance.
      • getLatestInstance

        default java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<? extends VoiceChannel> getLatestInstance()
        Description copied from interface: Updatable
        Gets an updated instance of this entity from the cache or from Discord directly. This is for example necessary if an instance got invalid by a reconnect to Discord which invalidates all existing instances which means they do not get any further updates from Discord applied. Due to that, references to instances should usually not be held for an extended period of time. If they are, this method can be used to retrieve the current instance from the cache if present or from Discord directly.

        This method returns the currently cached entity if present, or request the entity from Discord if it is not cached or not permanently cached. If the entity is a fully cached entity and is not in the cache any longer, for example because it was deleted or the message was thrown out of the cache, the CompletableFuture completes exceptionally with a NoSuchElementException. If a request to Discord is made, the according remote call exception will be used to complete the CompletableFuture exceptionally.

        Specified by:
        getLatestInstance in interface Channel
        Specified by:
        getLatestInstance in interface Updatable
        Specified by:
        getLatestInstance in interface UpdatableFromCache
        The current cached instance.