Class ServerTextChannelImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerTextChannelImpl

        public ServerTextChannelImpl​(DiscordApiImpl api,
                                     ServerImpl server,
                                     com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data)
        Creates a new server text channel object.
        api - The discord api instance.
        server - The server of the channel.
        data - The json data of the channel.
    • Method Detail

      • setTopic

        public void setTopic​(String topic)
        Sets the topic of the channel.
        topic - The new topic of the channel.
      • setNsfwFlag

        public void setNsfwFlag​(boolean nsfw)
        Sets the nsfw flag.
        nsfw - The nsfw flag.
      • setParentId

        public void setParentId​(long parentId)
        Sets the parent id of the channel.
        parentId - The parent id to set.
      • setSlowmodeDelayInSeconds

        public void setSlowmodeDelayInSeconds​(int delay)
        Sets the slowmode delay of the channel.
        delay - The delay in seconds.
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup​()
        Description copied from interface: Cleanupable
        Does any cleanup that would prevent this instance from being eligible for garbage collection like cancelling scheduled repeated tasks or calling cleanup on "owned" cleanupable objects. This method has to be thread-safe and idempotent.
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface Cleanupable