Class ServerVoiceChannelImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerVoiceChannelImpl

        public ServerVoiceChannelImpl​(DiscordApiImpl api,
                                      ServerImpl server,
                                      com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data)
        Creates a new server voice channel object.
        api - The discord api instance.
        server - The server of the channel.
        data - The json data of the channel.
    • Method Detail

      • setBitrate

        public void setBitrate​(int bitrate)
        Sets the bitrate of the channel.
        bitrate - The new bitrate of the channel.
      • setUserLimit

        public void setUserLimit​(int userLimit)
        Sets the user limit of the channel.
        userLimit - The user limit to set.
      • setParentId

        public void setParentId​(long parentId)
        Sets the parent id of the channel.
        parentId - The parent id to set.
      • addConnectedUser

        public void addConnectedUser​(long userId)
        Adds the user with the given id to the list of connected users.
        userId - The id of the user to add.
      • removeConnectedUser

        public void removeConnectedUser​(long userId)
        Removes the user with the given id from the list of connected users.
        userId - The id of the user to remove.