Class EventDispatcherBase

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class EventDispatcherBase
    extends Object
    This class is the base for the class used to dispatch events.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EventDispatcherBase

        protected EventDispatcherBase​(DiscordApiImpl api)
        Creates a new event dispatcher.
        api - The discord api instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getApi

        protected DiscordApiImpl getApi​()
        Gets the discord api instance.
        The discord api instance.
      • setExecutionTimeCheckingEnabled

        public void setExecutionTimeCheckingEnabled​(boolean enable)
        Sets whether execution time checking should be enabled or not.
        enable - Whether execution time checking should be enabled or not.
      • dispatchEvent

        protected <T> void dispatchEvent​(DispatchQueueSelector queueSelector,
                                         List<T> listeners,
                                         Consumer<T> consumer)
        Dispatches an event to the given listeners using the provided consumer. Calling this method usually looks like this: dispatchEvent(server, listeners, listener -> listener.onXyz(event));
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the listener.
        queueSelector - The object which is used to determine in which queue the event should be dispatched. Usually the object is a server object (for server-dependent events), a discord api instance (for server-independent events, like DMs or GMs) or null (for lifecycle events, like connection lost, resume or reconnect). Providing null means, that already started dispatchings are going to be finished, then all events with a null queue selector are dispatched and finally other events are dispatched like normal again. Events with the same queue selector are dispatched sequentially in the correct order of enqueueal, but on arbitrary threads from a thread pool. Events with different queue selectors are dispatched in parallel.
        listeners - A list with listeners which get consumed by the given consumer.
        consumer - A consumer which consumes all listeners from the given list and is meant to call their onXyz(Event) method.