Class RatelimitBucket

  • public class RatelimitBucket
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • RatelimitBucket

        public RatelimitBucket​(DiscordApi api,
                               RestEndpoint endpoint)
        Creates a RatelimitBucket for the given endpoint / parameter combination.
        api - The api/shard to use.
        endpoint - The REST endpoint the ratelimit is tracked for.
      • RatelimitBucket

        public RatelimitBucket​(DiscordApi api,
                               RestEndpoint endpoint,
                               String majorUrlParameter)
        Creates a RatelimitBucket for the given endpoint / parameter combination.
        api - The api/shard to use.
        endpoint - The REST endpoint the ratelimit is tracked for.
        majorUrlParameter - The url parameter this bucket is specific for. May be null.
    • Method Detail

      • setGlobalRatelimitResetTimestamp

        public static void setGlobalRatelimitResetTimestamp​(DiscordApi api,
                                                            long resetTimestamp)
        Sets a global ratelimit.
        api - A discord api instance.
        resetTimestamp - The reset timestamp of the global ratelimit.
      • addRequestToQueue

        public void addRequestToQueue​(RestRequest<?> request)
        Adds the given request to the bucket's queue.
        request - The request to add.
      • pollRequestFromQueue

        public RestRequest<?> pollRequestFromQueue​()
        Polls a request from the bucket's queue.
        The polled request.
      • peekRequestFromQueue

        public RestRequest<?> peekRequestFromQueue​()
        Peeks a request from the bucket's queue.
        The peeked request.
      • setRatelimitRemaining

        public void setRatelimitRemaining​(int ratelimitRemaining)
        Sets the remaining requests till ratelimit.
        ratelimitRemaining - The remaining requests till ratelimit.
      • setRatelimitResetTimestamp

        public void setRatelimitResetTimestamp​(long ratelimitResetTimestamp)
        Sets the ratelimit reset timestamp.
        ratelimitResetTimestamp - The ratelimit reset timestamp.
      • getTimeTillSpaceGetsAvailable

        public int getTimeTillSpaceGetsAvailable​()
        Gets the time in seconds how long you have to wait till there's space in the bucket again.
        The time in seconds how long you have to wait till there's space in the bucket again.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(RestEndpoint endpoint,
                              String majorUrlParameter)
        Checks if a bucket created with the given parameters would equal this bucket.
        endpoint - The endpoint.
        majorUrlParameter - The major url parameter.
        Whether a bucket created with the given parameters would equal this bucket or not.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode​()
        hashCode in class Object