Class BlockingReference<V>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - The type of object referred to by this reference.

    public class BlockingReference<V>
    extends java.lang.Object
    An object reference that has the ability to block a thread until a value is available if one is not present.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a new BlockingReference instance with no initial value.
      BlockingReference​(V initialValue)
      Creates a new BlockingReference instance with the given initial value.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      V get()
      Gets the current value or blocks the thread until one is present.
      V get​(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
      Gets the current value or blocks the thread until one is present.
      boolean hasValue()
      Checks whether this reference currently holds a value.
      void set​(V value)
      Sets the current value and notifies any waiting get() calls.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlockingReference

        public BlockingReference​(V initialValue)
        Creates a new BlockingReference instance with the given initial value.
        initialValue - The initial value.
      • BlockingReference

        public BlockingReference()
        Creates a new BlockingReference instance with no initial value.
    • Method Detail

      • hasValue

        public boolean hasValue()
        Checks whether this reference currently holds a value.
        Whether this reference currently holds a value.
      • get

        public V get()
              throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Gets the current value or blocks the thread until one is present.
        The current value.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting.
      • get

        public V get​(long timeout,
                     java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
              throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Gets the current value or blocks the thread until one is present.
        timeout - The amount of time to wait in the given time unit before unblocking the thread and returning null.
        unit - The TimeUnit to use to interpret timeout
        The current value or null if the specified timeout elapses.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting.
      • set

        public void set​(V value)
        Sets the current value and notifies any waiting get() calls.
        value - The value to set.