Class ExceptionProxy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable

    public class ExceptionProxy
    extends Object
    implements Externalizable
    Takes an exception class and creates a proxy that can be used to rebuild the exception. The problem stems from problems serializing exceptions and deserializing them in another application where the exception classes might not exist, or they might exist in different version. This proxy also propagates the stacktrace and the cause exception to create totally portable exceptions.

    This class creates a serializable proxy of the exception and when unserialized can be used to re-create the exception based on the following rules :
    • If the exception class exists on the client, the original exception is created
    • If the exception class exists, but doesn't have a suitable constructor then another exception is thrown referencing the original exception
    • If the exception class exists, but is not throwable, another exception is thrown referencing the original exception
    • If the exception class doesn't exist, another exception is raised instead
    Andy Gibson
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExceptionProxy

        public ExceptionProxy()
      • ExceptionProxy

        public ExceptionProxy​(Throwable throwable)
    • Method Detail

      • createForException

        public static ExceptionProxy createForException​(Throwable throwable)
        Static method to create an exception proxy for the passed in Throwable class. If null is passed in, null is returned as the exception proxy
        throwable - Exception to proxy
        An ExceptionProxy representing the exception passed in
      • hasException

        public boolean hasException()
        Indicates whether this proxy wraps an exception
        Flag indicating an exception is wrapped.
      • createException

        public Throwable createException()
        Constructs an instance of the proxied exception based on the class name, message, stack trace and if applicable, the cause.
        The constructed Throwable instance
      • getCause

        public Throwable getCause()
        Returns the cause of the exception represented by this proxy
        The cause of this exception
      • readExternal

        public void readExternal​(ObjectInput in)
                          throws IOException,
        Custom Serialization logic.

        If possible, we try to keep the original Exception form the Container side.

        If we can't load the Exception on the client side, return a ArquillianProxyException that keeps the original stack trace etc.

        We can't use in.readObject() on the Throwable cause, because if a ClassNotFoundException is thrown, the stream is marked with the exception and that stream is the same stream that is deserializing us, so we will fail outside of our control. Store the Throwable cause as a serialized byte array instead, so we can deserialize it outside of our own stream.

        Specified by:
        readExternal in interface Externalizable